Match Day

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"Ishaan, why don't you join gujrat Titans? That way, we do not have to stay in different provinces during ipl." Said shubman over the phone to ishaan.

He was in Ahmedabad while ishaan was in Mumbai, where both were practicing for their ipl teams, respectively.

" WHY DON'T YOU JOIN THE MUMBAI INDIAN? You know that I won't leave my team for anything." Replied ishaan to shubman who was whinning about staying away from ishaan.

"I know  you won't, neither will I, but it sucks to stay away from you for this long." Said shubman again.

Shubman and ishaan have been friends from the time of under 19 team.  Ishaan used to think that he was straight and only like a girl, but when he fell in love with his best friend, his world turned upside down. He never spent time dating to realize that he likes guys. Usually, it's just drunk hookups.

When he suddenly started realizing that he could never  say no to shubman for anything and they spent even their vacations together because they never thought about going out with others instead with each other. They love each other's company too much that they ignore others.

Slowly, even their teammates started teasing them, saying boyfriends.

Eventually, shubman ended up proposing to him, and after some drama, he said yes. So now, shubman is his baby, always whinning whenever they are away from each other.


Back to conversation..

" it's okay, sweetheart, we are meeting in a few days. We have a match coming up."

"Which gujrat will win."

"No, Mumbai will win."

"This is my first year and match as captain. Can't you say that I will win." Chided shubman.

" Not against my team, you will win your next match, I will even come to cheer for you." Replied ishaan.

"But they say first impression is the last impression, I want to win the first one."

" No, we are winning that match. We are fully prepared. We will definitely win that match."

" Is that challenge ish"

"May be it is."

"You know how much I love challenges."

" that we will see on the field."

" Oh really ish, so let's make a bet."

" What bet?"

" If we won, you will have to come cheer me in everymatch even one with MI. If you won I will do the same. What do you say?"

"So bet it is then."

"Good luck, opponent."

"Good luck to you too."

They cut the call and went for the practice. Ishaan knew shubman was a very tough competitor. Even the sky was not playing in the match. So they have to practice really hard to win that match. Even people are eagerly waiting for this match. It has become the biggest rivalry of the ipl this year. So, the stadium is going to be full.

So, it is going to be a stressful day for both teams.

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