Airport 2

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"But sir, how can I upgrade his ticket without him knowing I have to give him a reason." stated the staff member when shubman asked her to upgrade ishaan's ticket without him knowing that he did it.

"Then just tell him that you guys have a special offer or something." Shubman chided at the staff member whom he has been trying to convince from the last twenty minutes to upgrade the ishaan ticket, but she is not listening to him.

"But sir......" Staff member tried to say something.

"No, if or but, I am telling you, he is my friend, but he won't take a favor from me. I just want him to travel with me in the business class, I know you can do it, so no more questions, do it." Said shubman in one breath.

"OK, but if he refused, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it." Replied the already irritated staff member.

"Okay, done. Now do it quickly he is coming here." Shubman said, looking at ishaan walking toward them for getting his boarding pass.

In the flight

"Oh my God,it's really my lucky day. First, I met you, then airplane upgraded my seat to business class, and now I will be sitting beside you in the plane." Said ishaan when he saw that he would be sitting beside shubman in the plane.

"Well, pleasure is all mine." Replied the grinning shubman.

"If you don't mind me asking why are you going to Bangalore," asked ishan, looking at shubman.

"I have an advertisement shoot."

"What kind of add."

"It's some new app."

"Whats the name of that app."

"WHY are you asking so many questions 🤨." Shubman looked at ishan suspiciously.

"Don't take me wrong, my team is also shooting for some app, that's why I asked.

"Don't tell me, you are also going "Tech" apps advertisement shooting."

"Now I am just shocked, I am actually going for that only."

" That's awesome, now that we have the same destination and purpose. Why don't you give your contact information if I have any questions." Shubman cleverly tried to take ishan's number.

"But I don't think that I will be any use to you, it's my first day."

"Yes, but when you reach there, you can send me your project in charge number. Give me your number. I will just text you so that you have my number. I don't want to block you thinking some stranger is texting me." Shubman said smoothly, convincing ishan to give him his number.

Shubman's POV

Yeah, finally, I got his number. It's just a start, soon I will be on a date with him.
Come on, shubman, get out of your mind before he thinks you are a weirdo.

After landing at the airport. Ishan bid bye to the shubman.
" So, here we are. Our journey together comes to an end. I hope that I get a chance to see you again at the shoot. But that's very unlikely considering that I am new, so I will be mostly handling the paperwork."and saying this ishan went his way while shubman kept looking at him, thinking
"it's not an end. It's the beginning, darling."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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