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Shubman's POV

I am going to Bangalore for a meeting today. I don't know the advertising company decided to have meeting in the Bangalore, they could have done it in the Mumbai also, but no. I don't like traveling much because I am always traveling for my matches around the years. So, the free time I get I like to spend it with my family at home.

Right now I am waiting in the lounge area because, guess what, my flight is delayed for 2 hours. This day couldn't get any more irritating.

"Hey, you are the famous cricketer, the shubman gill." Someone exclaimed sitting beside me.

When I moved to look at the guy sitting beside me, It was like I could not breathe for a moment. Round doe eyes, chubby cheeks, he looked like an angel who just walked from heaven.

"Can I get a selfie please, I am really big fan of yours." Said that boy shaking me out of the daze.

"Yea yeah sure, why not , of course you can have a selfie..why not..." I just rambled still lost in the beauty of that boy.

I have never dated a boy before. Its not like I don't know about me being interested in boys. I had my first boy crush in the high school. he was one of my classmate. it took me some time to realize that I am bisexual but I have never met any boy I want to date.

looking at this boy makes me feel things that I have never felt before. may be its a love at first.

does that concept even exist?

or is it just Bollywood movies that have this concept?

of course it exist, otherwise how am I even experiencing it in the real life.

may be I am going mad..

" are you ok." asked that boy looking toward me.

" yes, I am totally fine, by the way, I did not get your name?"

" my name is Ishaan, I am just going to Bangalore, its my first day at the job working in an advertising company. my team is already there for a shoot, that why company is sending me there for few days." replied Ishaan telling me all the details.

I am already in head over heel with him. he continued telling me more about his trip but I was so lost looking at him that I did not heard a thing. the one thing I got is that we both have the same flight but the only problem is that he is flying economy while I am in the business class.

should I upgrade his flight ticket?

but what will he think.

I don't think he will mind, after all he is my fan.

yes, I should totally upgrade his flight ticket that way I can even ask for his number during flight.

shubish/Ishman Two shots Where stories live. Discover now