Beach date

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"Where are you taking me, shubi?" Asked ishan to the shubman who just dragged him out of their hotel room in the middle of saying that he had a surprise for him.

"If I told you, it won't be a surprise sweetheart, have some patience." Replied shubman with a charming smile still focusing on driving.

They are in Maldives with their teammates for the vacation. They still have not disclosed their relationship to their team. The only person who knows is their captain, rohit Sharma, that too because he caught them kissing once in the dressing room. He did not say anything for hours but eventually accepted their relationship.
"Here we are."  Told shubman to ishaan while parking a car at a beach.
"Oh my God, this is beautiful." Ishan got really excited and happy looking at the glowing beach at night.
"We are spending the night here, I already made the arrangements and even informed rohit." Said shubman to ishaan, who was still in awe looking at the beauty of beach.

It was their 2nd anniversary, shubman really wanted to spend some alone time with ishan. They are always busy with the match, and other than matches, ishan have so many friends. It's not like he is complaining. Ishan always make sure to take the out for him, but he always have someone barge on them. The secret is suffocating now. They want to tell everyone that they are in a relationship but don't know how people will react to it.

"Really, yahhhh, you are the best." Saying this ishan gave him a peck on the lips and hugged him.

But shubman, being shubman, pulled him into a deep kiss. Ishan's hand automatically went to shubman's shoulders while his was in ishaan's hairs.

Soon, they were on the sand heavily making out. Shubman started opening an ishan shirt.

"What of someone come here." Said ishan trying to stop him.

"No one will be coming, it's a private beach, I booked it for us." Saying this, he removed his shirt and continued kissing ishaan's neck and chest.

Ishaan was a moaning mess. He wanted to feel shubman's body, so he hurriedly started removing shubman's clothes. Within a few, they both were just in their boxers.

Shubman hand reached in ishaan's boxer while his was digging in shubman's back.

Ishaan moaned for more.

" I want you, shubi, right now." Moaned ishaan.

"Oh, look at my baby, all needy for me."
Shubman pinched his nipple and rubbed his erection again ishaan.

"Shubi, don't tease me , please."

"Please, what baby."

"Shubi, please, I want you inside me.. please."

Shubman removed his boxer and helped ishan in removing his.
He grabbed the bottle of lube and condom from his pocket and put it on.

"Are you ready, baby?"

"Yes, shubi, hurry." Said ishaan arching his back upward.

Shubman entered slowly to make ishaan comfortable.

But ishaan moved his body more to take him inside quickly. Making shubman moan in pleasure. He started moving his body, and ishaan moaned with pleasure.

"Yes, just like that shubi, faster, ahh, fuck shubi, you feel so good."

"Fuck baby, I am so close."

"Don't  stop shubi, this feels so good. Ahh, I am cuming ahh."

"Cum with me baby."

They both comes together. Laying on sand both breathing heavily.

"This was the best date ever, shubi."

"I can you anything to see you smile baby, I love you so much."

" I love you too my jaan."

shubish/Ishman Two shots Where stories live. Discover now