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Yeji's POV

This is bad. I don't know how to explain what happened to Ryujin. How can I be so dumb?! Even when I'm in class, I still think about how angry she was.

"what do you think? I wanna add more colors but I'm not sure. I like it this way." Sohee asked. She's hanging out at my dorm right now.

"what?" I take a look at her ipad. "it's good already." I haven't told her anything. only said that I had fun.

"do you have something to say? You zone out a lot lately." Sohee noticed. I don't even know where to start.

"there's something I haven't told you." I looked at her. "by the way, did you hang out with your sisters lately?"

"well, we hung out a couple times this week. What's up?" Sohee put her ipad aside and focus on me.

"have you talked to Ryujin?" I asked again. I just wanna know if they had any arguments.

"no, not really. Last time, we just eat together, with Jieun, of course." Sohee looked at me with a questioning look. "what is it? you're worrying me. did Ryujin do something to you?"

"no." I hesitated. I don't know how Sohee will react to what I'm about to say and I'm aware that we're more than friends at this point. "I thought you came to pick me up that night."

"did you guys do anything? please tell me you guys didn't. I'm gonna-"

"we didn't. trust me, we didn't." I reached for her hand. She looks irritated and tense. "I didn't know. I just feel like she's you, feels like you."

"of course you feel like that." Sohee retrieved her hand from me. "you can't even tell the difference. What the hell is wrong with you?" she stood up, too dramatic for me.

"I was drunk! You weren't even there for me. why are you acting like this? I let go as soon as I know that she's not you. was that not enough?" I raised my voice a bit because she does.

"you let go? What did you do, Yeji? No, what did she do?" Sohee looks furious. "you shouldn't have gone there. I shouldn't let you."

Just when she's about to grab her things, my phone rang. Really, not the right time. it's Ryujin.

"pick it up." Sohee said more like a command as she continues to pack her things.


Ryujin's POV

I just got off the call with Yeji half an hour ago. I don't know why she sounded scared. But, I said what I said. I was sorry for what I did and I put a little blame on the alcohol.

"are you done?" Jieun asked me after she has her dinner. "I left some chicken for you. can you cook some more rice when you're done eating as well? I'd appreciate it."

"yeah, sure." I sat up. "I wanna talk to her in person, actually. but, I know Sohee wouldn't like it."

"I told you already." Jieun sits on my bed. She put her hand on my back. "did it end good?"

"I have a bad feeling. She doesn't sound well."

Just then, someone bursts into the room. if there's one thing I'm scared of, it'd be angry Sohee. That's exactly what I'm seeing now. she straight up comes up to me and grabs my collar.

"what the fuck did you do?! can you not bother us?! I'm begging you, please, get your own life, Ryujin!"

"Sohee!" Jieun pushed her away from me. "she explained it to her already. Leave her alone."

"well, you should tell HER to leave ME alone! Why the fuck no one called me?!" Sohee keeps glaring at me while I just look down.

"shouldn't you be checking on Yeji? You can't just explode at her like this." Jieun sighs. "she already said that she did nothing. She's frustrated too."

"frustrated, my ass. You're enjoying yourself with her, I'm sure of that." Sohee scoffed, mocking me. I can't take it anymore.

"what makes you think that? hell, we're both drunk! You think I have the capacity to think to call you?! if I could blame anyone like you do, I'd blame Karina for dragging me into helping that poor girl. I'd blame Julia for forcing me to wait for her to wake up. I'd blame YOU for leaving the girl you wanna own so bad alone! Are you in your right mind?" I'm standing up at this point.

"okay, that's enough." Jieun pulled me back to sit down again.

"I told you I'll leave you guys alone. I'm not that desperate." I looked into Sohee's eyes. "I left as soon as I'm uncomfortable. She's all over me. believe me, I wanted to leave. But, I'd be irresponsible, right?"

"oh, fuck you and your liar mouth. All you want to do is take her from me. you like her so much that you take every opportunity to get close to her." Sohee keeps adding some more nonsense thoughts about me.

"no! what the fuck are you talking about? You need a damn good rest, sister. Can't let out all your stress to me!"

"Sohee, you better go. Calm yourself down." Jieun approached her. "Yeji wouldn't be happy with this. she doesn't want you guys to fight. Please, trust Ryujin a little more. We're adults. Not like when we're in school. Let this one slide and Ryujin won't bother you anymore."

Sohee finally gets out of the room and I let out a deep breath. I can't deny that I'm still shaking from her anger.

"you." Jieun stands in front of me. "stay out of that frat house. Yeji will be there often. You can still drink somewhere else. Maybe with Zuha or Karina."


"you still like her." Jieun stated.

"I'm trying." I do still like her. more like crushing on her. we're still not that close. "are you guys still talking?"

"just light talks. We spend time together quite often. At lunch, library, or just have some coffee. She talks about you both. I'm just handling things based on her point of view." Sohee informed. "can you guys just stop fighting over a girl?" she chuckles.

"oh, please. it's just a small fight."

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