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Ryujin's POV

Finally! I already set my schedule to present my thesis. Now, I just need to prepare myself for it. Other than that, I'm still thinking about Yeji. Should I just let her go? I feel like this is too confusing for her.

"what are you thinking?" Sunoo's voice got me out of my thoughts.

"are you thinking of something?" Zuha added.

We're at the library. Sunoo was the one asking me to accompany him and I just brought Zuha with me.

"of course, I am. I'm having doubts. What if Yeji hates me for acting like this?" I complained as I stare at the book in front of me.

"and why exactly you have to act like this?" Sunoo asked.

"because she kept lying to me." I got frustrated.

"about what?" Zuha looked at me.

"many things. I just wanna know what she's up to and she refused to tell me." I told them.

"she doesn't need to do that." Sunoo raised his eyebrow. "who the hell you think you are?"

"we're close enough for that." I argued.

"nu-uh. She has no responsibility over your own concern about her. is she your girlfriend? Wife? No, right?" Sunoo stated in a sassy manner.

"I know.. but, still. It's... I don't know. I feel like we're something more." I lowered my voice.

"huh? I thought you're not that kinda type." Zuha chimed in. "dude, you gotta talk to her."

"I know I should." When I think about it, it's kinda selfish to act like this. "should I give her-" I heard a notification on my phone. I checked it and I'm kinda disappointed that it's not Yeji.

"oh, you wanna return those books, right?" Zuha reminded me. "I'll be here with him."



I arrived at the lake, where we met a few days ago. I just need some more references before finalizing my thesis. Thankfully, she was able to help me with it.

"Ryujin!" I heard her calling.

"hey, Yuna! I got your books." I smiled at her as I hand her the books. "really helps a lot."

"I'm happy to help." She smiled back. "when's your presentation?" she asked as we start walking along the perimeter of the lake.

"a week from now. so, my graduation will be next month." I informed.

"that's so fast. You can't really notice the time you got." Yuna exclaimed. "unless you really count the days."

"yeah, right." I chuckled. "where are you going after this?"

"I'll go back to my dorm. Just finished my last class. That's why I contacted you so I don't have any errands." Yuna explained.

"oh..." I nodded a few times. "well, then. I'm going that way. see you around, Yuna." I turned around, about to part ways with her.

"wait..." she called and I turn my head. "do you wanna have lunch sometimes?"

"I'm cool with that. just let me know. I'll join you if I have the time." honestly, I don't even wanna promise her anything. maybe, I can just pay back what she gave me.

"great! I'll keep in touch with you. good luck on your presentation!"

With that, we part ways. Just a few meters of walking towards my faculty building, I stop my track.

Yeji is standing a couple meters in front of me. I don't know what to do. I just stand here and stare at her.

"can we talk?" Yeji spoke up.

I walk up to her narrowing the gap between us. I take her hand and rubs the back of it with my thumb.

"I'm sorry." I looked down. "I'm sorry for the way I acted. It's selfish to disappear just because I can't face the problem."

"hey, it's okay." Yeji steps closer. I can see her shoes popping up at the top of my vision. "look at me, please."

I look up at her and she takes my other hand.

"I wanna go out with you."

"what?" I need to make sure that I didn't hear it wrong.

"I've made my choice. Go out with me." Yeji said it almost begging. Her hands are still holding mine.

"are you serious right now?" I can't cover up my smile. It's like automatically planted on my face. "really?! You're not kidding?!"

"yeah." She nodded and giggled.

"yes! yeah! Woohoo!!!" I jumped around like a little kid who just got a happy meal after school. "you. me. girlfriends! Yeah!!!"

"okay, okay. chill out." Yeji called me as she laughs. "I haven't told Sohee about this."

"oh..." I calmed down. "should we go to her?"


I decided that it'll be best to meet up at Jieun's place. I haven't talked to Sohee at all lately.

"is she on her way yet?" Jieun asked me.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"I already called her. she'll be here in a minute now." Yeji glanced at her phone.

"okay." Jieun sits beside me.

We're watching TV right now. I feel kind of awkward because I can't believe that Yeji chose me. of course, I'm still excited. All the bad thoughts I had just disappeared.

"so, Sohee doesn't know anything about what we did?" I brought up a topic we talked about on our way here.

"nope. I don't want you guys to fight and I thought it's a bad idea to share them. That's why I didn't tell you anything." Yeji looks at me. "I promise, from now, I'll tell you everything."

"it's all in the past. Though some things I already found out myself, I can let that slide. They don't matter anymore." I reassured her. I just want us to start a new canvas.

"you found out yourself?" Yeji's eyes shook. "so, you already know?"

"about what?" I need to make sure and hear them from her.

"I lied on some things. like, when I'm out, I told you I'm home. I know you know about... me having-"

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