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Ryujin's POV

I'm now in my room, working on take-home assignments for midterm exam. I basically have been on it in the last two days. Downside is, I really can't go out unless I have to shower or eat.

"do you really need more coffee?"

"yeah." I turn around and see Karina with a cup of coffee that I requested.

"it's three in the fucking morning, Ryujin. Go to bed." Karina huffs.

"I mean, you're still up." I shrug.

"I have no exam later. I'll have the last day tomorrow." Karina leans on my table. "by the way, are you really gonna hold a party?"

"yep. I already told Jieun." I turn back to my laptop and continues to work.

"can I take Winter with me?" Karina asked. "who else are you gonna invite?"

"you can invite her. I'll probably invite Zuha, Miyeon, and Yeji." I don't want it to be too crowded.

"what's Miyeon doing?" Karina raised an eyebrow. "you wanna hit on her now? are you two that close?"

"here's the thing." I turn my chair to face her. "Zuha is busy with Chaewon, you have a thing with Winter, and I have no one else. I don't hang out with the frat boys anymore. Who else wants to hang out with me and attracted to me other than her?"

"that's mean."

"no, it's not. we talked about it many times and she's cool with just being casual." I go back to my assignments.

"oh, even though you fucked her once?" Karina chuckles. "you're kind of an asshole, you know that?"

"what's better than a hot asshole like me?" I scoffed cockily. "thanks for the coffee, by the way. can you wake me up at eight later?"

"that's the deadline?" Karina's eyes widened slightly. "you're crazy."

"only for this one. I have another for tomorrow and the day after." I told her. "go straight to have the party on Saturday."




I feel like I just closed my eyes for five minutes. I woke up after Karina shook my body aggressively.

"thanks." I said as I rubbed my eyes. I then grab my phone to check on the assignment's submission. "are you free today?"

"gotta study of course. need anything?" she asked. "I'm going out though."

"no, thanks. I'll continue my work after submitting this one." I go to my desk and start printing my work. "shit. C'mon..." alas, my printer stopped working.

"what's wrong?" Karina noticed.

"out of paper. I don't have a stock."

I hurriedly stand up, grab my jacket and flash-drive, then gets out of my room. I didn't expect this. should've checked it last night.

"good luck!"

Karina cheered me up as I get out of my dorm and just run. I need to go to the bookstore as fast as I can. I have to buy the paper, I have to print, and I have to submit it. a lot to do. My head is crowded.

"good morning. I'd like to print something." I arrived at the bookstore, talking to the guy behind the counter.

"use that computer over there." He pointed out.

"thank you." I rushed to the computer and, soon, it starts printing. "can I get a pack of printing paper, please?" I asked him.

"what size?" he said calmly. Damn, he's slow. Well, he's old.

"A4." I glanced at the printer. Thank God, it's working.

"it's on the fourth isle. At the bottom of the rack." He informed.

I clench my teeth as I walk over to the spot. He could've helped me and make my life easier, but no. I finally found it and go straight to the counter. Not forgetting my other things, of course.

"please wait for a moment." He said after I gave him my purchases.

I then reach through my pocket and I realize. I didn't bring my wallet. Fuck.

"sir, I'm really sorry. I don't have the money right now. I will definitely come back and pay. Please?" I said to him.

"I'm also very sorry. I can't give you your things." he's pissed, I know. "how about you go and get the money, then come back here to take your things?"

"I can't, I'm in a hurry. Can you please just let it go for once?" I begged.

"sorry, kid."

"is there anything wrong?"

I look to the side and see Yeji with a confused face. I have no time right now.

"yes! there's a problem." I faced her fully and grabs her shoulders. "do you have your wallet?"


"can I borrow some money?" I looked at her right in the eye.

"I guess..?"

"great!" I then look back at the old man. "she will pay for it." I look back at Yeji. "I promise I'll pay you back. I gotta go."

I feel guilty for leaving, actually. but I have to. I run out of the store, straight to my building. I didn't even bring my phone. luckily, there's a clock on the wall. It's already almost nine. The deadline is at nine.

"good morning, sir." I greeted my professor upon entering his office. "I'm really sorry I came like this. something bad just happened." I take a breather as I approach his desk.

"next time, be presentable. Take a shower or something."

"I'm really sorry." I bowed slightly.

"I know your work is gonna be good. Take care of yourself more, will you?" he smiles a little. "thank you. you may leave."

"thank you, sir."

I get out of his office and just lean on the wall. I need to cool down a bit before resuming my activity. I start to walk casually, taking my time. first, I need to get back to the dorm and get some money to give to Yeji.

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