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I prepare myself to go out with Yeji tonight. since I wanna impress her, I'm wearing my favorite perfume. Not gonna lie, she's kinda my type, especially she's younger than me.

"going somewhere?" Hojung, my roommate, asked from the kitchen.

"yeah. Have a date." I replied, still looking at myself in the mirror.

"at the frat house?" she's being sarcastic, I know. Hojung is not a talker but she's pretty thoughtful and sensitive about her surroundings. "how many freshmen have you hooked up with?"

"oh, shut up." I just laughed it off. I'm used to her sarcasms, anyway. "are you coming?"

"better to come late at that kinda thing." Hojung plops on the couch then proceeds to play with her phone.

"alright, see ya."


I'm waiting for Yeji at the entrance of her building. It's a shame that we don't live in the same building, but, whatever. I'm just gonna check my phone for updates while I wait for her.


I look up to see Yeji smiling at me. I put my phone back on my pocket and grab her hand. She's kinda easy to approach since she's already outgoing with anyone.

"nice jacket." Yeji complimented me and I'm proud of it. I think my charm is working on her.

"thanks. got it on our birthday." I smirked at her.

"who came out first?" Yeji suddenly asked. It's an overrated question and honestly I'm tired of it.

"Jieun. We're five mins apart." I replied casually.

It feels like we're talking too comfortably. We already arrive at the fraternity house where the party is held. Just before entering, we can already hear the loud music and the flickering colourful lights.

I keep my hand on hers, afraid that she'll lost me inside. As you know, the college parties are different than any parties. They are all crazy, I can say.

"you wait here!" I tried to speak louder than the music. I asked her to sit on one of the couches in the house. I swear, people here doesn't know what personal space is. I guess Yeji is already used to it.

"where are you going?!" Yeji shouted back.

"grab a drink and come back!" I said to her before walking to the drinks spot.

I just grab a couple cups and filled it with one of the unknown drinks. All I know is that the food and drinks in this party is always scrumptious. That's why I always attend their parties.

As I'm about to walk back to our spot, I noticed some familiar people around where Yeji's sitting. I hurriedly but carefully walk towards her and realize.

"oh my god. can you not show up?" I said to her.

"chill out sis. We're just talking."

There she is. Ryujin. Our youngest sister. Sure, we have a smart brain, but for the attitude? She's the worst. She's sitting beside Yeji now.

 She's sitting beside Yeji now

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"really, I thought she's you. she has a drink as well." Yeji stated, pointing at a red cup that she holds.

"get out of here. You and your friends." I said to her. we do love each other. But, sometimes, she irritates me and I hate that. this is supposed to be my night.

"c'mon... where's the fun in that? if you wanna have a date, you shouldn't be here." Ryujin stands up and gets closer to me. "besides, we're here to have fun. We're all friends." She pats my back, as if mocking me.

"ugh... she's such a pain." I can finally sit beside Yeji and give her the drink. "she's my other sister."

"why didn't you just say so? So, you guys are triplets?" Yeji looks surprised.

"we just don't like the questions. You know, the questions on your head right now." I joked. But, that's the real reason why we didn't talk about it.

"well... I won't ask about it." Yeji just smiles at me. one thing about her is her cute smile that I find attractive. "let's join them. Ryujin is a fun girl."

Dammit. I thought I can enjoy my time with her only. I just follow her, going to the crowd where everyone is dancing with drinks in their hands. We just vibing to the song as I tried to get close to her as well. I put my hands on her waist and she doesn't seem bothered by it.

"hey!" someone is standing behind Yeji and it's no other than Ryujin. That kid always bothers me.

"hi!" Yeji seems to enjoy our companies. Well, who doesn't?

"fashion?" Ryujin asked as they dance together. Yeji is facing her now.

"Phycology. You?" Yeji asked back.

Honestly, I'm pissed. We're basically rivals in this kind of stuff. I admit that I'm not as bold as her in approaching girls or boys, but still, we have the same taste in many things including partner.

"I have a better drink than that. wanna join my friends?" Ryujin dared to ask.

"she's mine for tonight, Ryu. I'm responsible for her." I chimed in because she gets on my nerves. "can you just have fun yourself?"

"you can join us as well if you want." Ryujin said with a slight smirk. She's challenging me.

"it's okay, Sohee. Let's go!" Yeji grabs my hand and follows Ryujin. I know she's probably feeling like a winner now. just wait and see, sis.

Turns out, Ryujin leads us to a more private room where only the 'chosen ones' at. It means that for students that's close to the members of the frat members. Of course, most of them are boys, but, there are girls as well.

We ended up drinking with them and they welcomed us well. I know some of them, but not that close. Ryujin is always with her friends and the closest one is her own roommate, Karina. I'm sure they hooked up one time, but, anyway....

"see? we're not that bad? you can also find love

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"see? we're not that bad? you can also find love..." Ryujin dramatically said it. it's so annoying for me. "you feel me? you want girls, boys, non-binary, whatever gender you prefer."

"I think..." Yeji looks at me, then Ryujin. She glances at others too, but us mainly. "both of you."

"so you like the bad guys' shit?" Ryujin chuckles.

I take a look at Yeji's face. I can see that she's pretty high right now. for me, the drink is nothing. I had no clue on her alcohol tolerance. I tap on her cheek a few times when she faces me.

"we should've just stayed outside. Your drink is too strong for her." I nagged my sister worriedly.

"relax... this is her first college party. If you don't wanna take her, I will." Ryujin said with her annoying smirk.

"whaaa~? I can't go home now..." Yeji is clinging to me like a sloth. "we can dance again. Right, Ryujin?"

"yeah, of course!" Ryujin encouraged her.

"I'll take you home now."

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