Chapter 42: Pennalian blooded

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''alright, buddy! now go knock 'em dead!'' Selever spoke as he shoved .EXE ahead. .EXE felt his purple skin sweat. he adjusted his jacket and brushed his shirt, and made walked up to Mora, who had just finished writing some homework.

''um.... uh.....hi Mora.....'' .EXE madly flustered. Mora raised a brow, ondering what was making him stutter.

''are you okay? you seem to be having a really high as fuck fever'' Mora asked.

''h-h-hi ehehehehe.... will you date me?'' .EXE pointed his fingers together.

''.....what? what are you talking about. can you speak clearly? i just wanna know what's up.'' Mora was confused.

Selever facepalmed, then brung up a list of things that .EXE shouldn't say.  a few of them were:

-i'm in love with your then shape, because it reminds me of the beach [that was a default one because the beach became outlawed as a sin. as it should.]

-is your name WI-FI? i feel a connection between us

-you are nothing. but not to me.

-i don't like sand. it's coarse, and rough, and it's EVERYWHERE!

the list goes on. okay, that last one should always be said on dates. still, this was too awkward. 

.EXE sweated like mad. ''hey Mora, do you like like me? breathe if yes. recalibrate the bible in Japanese if no''

Selever crossed off a part of the list.

Mora then blushed a bit. ''okay, you dummy. i like you two.'' she spoke in an awkward tone. she then kissed the awkwarded .EXE, then said ''meet me at Mcdonald's by 6. don't be late, babe.''

.EXE then smiled crazily as he flushed hard. he was red as a tomato.

he then ran to Selever and said ''i did it! i did it! i got a hot bitch!''

''good going dude'' Selever thumbed up, then fist pumped .EXE.


there is another Dearest.... those words were in Tenzu's mind. a few hours prior he realized there was another boy in the Dearest family, his age just below Cassandra, but only just. but until then, it'll remain unknow.

Tenzu then shot himself up. he realized he promised Cassandra a rap battle. he moved out the bed while Sarah was sleeping, and yes, they had sex before they went to sleep. this ain't for kids.

he quickly got dressed as he and Sarah exited Tenzu's house to see Cassandra. but before they stepped out the door, Tenzu's mom, Alice, showed up out of nowhere. she had long light blond hair, just like Tenzu, a hot pink jacket, white shoes and a necklace with a green circle as the center.

''wait! before you go, Tenzu, i packed your school lunch for tommorrow'' she said.

''thanks'' Tenzu lifted his mouth up.

''and i wanted to show Sarah your baby pictures.''

Tenzu's mind snapped in place. ''MOM!!!!!''

Squidgy appeared inside the cap, and giggled, Sarah also giggled.

''alright. this one was when he started potty training'' Alice began, bringing it out.

Tenzu was forced to endure an hour of watching his doting M.I.L.F mother show off his baby pictures to his partner. and yeah, his mommy issues stem from seeing her in Sarah, but Alice embarrassed him. this current baby picture showcase was his worst nightmare.

afterword, Sarah and Tenzu exited the house, with Sarah still giggling, while Tenzu was moody.

''why the long face, baby?'' Sarah asked.

''look, i don't want you and mom looking at me when i was like 2!'' Tenzu panicked. ''i know you have your fair shares of still being a bit..... uh..... self centered and even now you wanna take over the world with your twin brother, but this is embarrassing! and worse!''

''oh come on, you looked so adorable'' Sarah smiled cheekily. 

''fine....'' Tenzu mopped. Squidgy ate a suger cube as Tenzu kept walking.

eventually, they found Cassandra, who stood over two alien slime beasts, and putting them into containers, then she gave them to Pica, who walked off.

''what happened here?'' Kai asked as he briefly appeared.

''had a mission for the army'' Cassandra spoke, straightening her jacket. ''those two slime things were outta control. they're sent back so scientists can experiment the cause.''

''good job, sis'' Sarah did two thumbs up.

''alright, now Tenzu, we're going to have those rap battles you promised me'' Cass turned to Tenzu, then she put away her assault rifle, in favor of a microphone.

''bring it'' Tenzu spoke, flipping his microphone.

[XT Berzerker. length is 1:42]

[XT Possession. length is 1:45]

the two blitzed through those two songs with ease. despite Cassandra showing off big yellow eyes, and then using her assault rifle and a few demon powers to pick up the pace and put Tenzu tot he test, he held through.

''heh. pretty good.  ut how about we kick it up a notch?'' Cassandra smirked. she then morphed into a giant cockroach beast thing with black fang things and glowing yellow eyes.

''holy fuck'' Tenzu spoke as hid behind Kai.

''dude, stop fearing for your life and stand up'' Kai facepalmed.

[XT Takeover. length is 3:02]

eventually, when the song finished, Cassandra morphed back into her normal form.

''so? how'zat?'' Cassandra stroked herself.

''so how did you get the giant roachie form?'' Sarah asked.

''i'll explain. all i can say is, i got 'Pennilian blood'. it's how i made my eyes yellow for a bit.'' Cassandra spoke. ''anyways, Jacob said he wants to meet up. gotta go.''

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