Chapter 45: shot and expire

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FLASHBACK, 3 years ago:

Aviator looked through the house.

''Pico! Pico! where are you?''

Skylar just sat on the couch, watching America's greatest talent instead of concerning where her brother went like her dad and sister were. what a dick.

''Skylar! we are trying to find Pico here! his life is more important then a fucking reality show!'' Avaitor said as Pica checked a bunch of rugs.

''your fault. you valued a helicopter or plane over him'' Skylar scoffed.

hearing those words hurt Avaitor. he looked on the floor, eventually seeing a note. having seen his wife's corpse, and now worried for Pico's safety, he checked the note. it was from Pico. 

it was a fuck you for preferring a plane and goodbye note. Aviator teared, realizing that Skylar was right. Pica noticed this, and comforted her father.

''what have i done....? i made him run away when Flare died....'' Aviator was shaken to his core.

present day

''alright, we're at the drop zone'' Avatior spoke. ''good luck.''

''okay. and dad? if you see Skylar, tell her she needs to get a fucking job and not lay on her ass simping for giant tiddy milk'' Pico saluted. he then Fortnite freefalled out with Tactie. Tactie had auburn hair in a big ponytail with sideburns, black sunglasses, a blue skirt, wearing a purple cape over her shoulders, red shoes and a purple shirt with a grey border.

she was very high ranked , being A rank, in the army of freedom and justice. she was the 100th person recruited, and she was recruited a long while back, before Pico did. 

the two whipped out their sniper rifles. they had an important mission to tackle. and it was in Nevada of all places. you see, the resistance there have a major battle ahead.

the two companions landed safely after parachuting. well, technically Pico landed on his two feet, but he nearly fell over afterward. 

Tactie grabbed his arm, and dashed ahead with him. there, Sanford and Deimos were.

''alright. we need your help, guys. you see, we tried taking an A.A.H.W building, but it had this giant.... thing that hard arms and legs and that's it.'' Sanford spoke urgently.

''okay. we need a plan'' Tactie spoke. she put her open hand on her other hand.

''what you got in mind, Tac?'' Deimos asked.

''that thing might be big enough to wipe 2 out, but if one of us distracts it, and the rest of us takes it head on, we could have a chance at victory.'' Tactie explained. ''who's the distraction?''

''i'll be!''

the 4 turned to see Jacob there. yep. he was also called into the mission somehow.

''how's you get here?'' Pico asked.

''you see, they said you needed backup in case the mission went wrong. so i decided i'll be the distraction'' Jacob spoke.

''okay.... this is gonna be crazy... welp. what we bring to the party. less go.'' was Deimos' response.

as they set up the plan on how to deal with the giant thing, Pico whispered ''are you sure it's a good idea?''

''yeah, i'm sure. Cathie gave me some advice on a mission when i visited her last week.'' tactie said.

''what was the advice?'' Pico asked.

''to always think of a plan when the mission is drastic'' Tactie said.

meanwhile, Tenzu 

''oh, hey T.'' Sarah's second oldest sister, Sister Searest, greeted, leaning over while holding her trombone or whatever it is

''oh-oh, nothing really. just came to have a-a song. heard your a musician'' Tenzu spoke.

''don't be shy, little guy. your gonna do great. Sarah told me your like this a lot. well, here is the band:'' Sister Searest began.

''Lemme introduce you to the band. We were just in the middle of a rehearsal. On piano, we got Theo; ask anyone and they'll tell you he's got flyin' fingers. Theo, I see you workin' on homework back there. Say hi to B. Over there's Shorty, he plays a mean tenor sax. On the ol' upright bass is Raquel. She's not SUPER chatty. Finally, we have the lovely Minji, who keeps us on time with the drums. We all know she's kinda the backbone of the group.'' she spoke.

''anyways, take it to the top guys!'' Sister Searest concluded

[XT Hotfoot. length is 2:28]

''wow, your real good, T!'' Searest smiled. ''you wanna go again sometime?

''s-sure... i guess..'' Tenzu smiled nervously.

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