Chapter 63: a school play in the making?

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FLASHBACK to i guess 10 years ago?

Sarah went home upset and sad. she was told by someone in her school she was ugly. because that girl was such a vain ass, plus she had blonde hair.

''dear are you okay?'' Mommy Mearest noticed the tears, and hugged.

''mom... some girl said i looked like a wart that made it's way to my..... whatever it is and spread all over'' Sarah cried.

''no you are not, sweetie. you look so beautiful. i raised you so well, and you think you look like trash? no, you are not. we're all here'' Double M comforted and hugged her. ''i'm going to have a talk with this girl. what is her name?''

''Angela'' Sarah started cheering up.


''everyone, settle down! right, uh, please settle down. your being too loud! settle down... i said settle down!'' the teacher spoke, but everyone talked about stuff. the girls talked about boyfriends and fashion and other girly girl stuff, and the boys talked about the new Marvel movie coming out. 

the teacher sighed, questioned his life, and had no option aside from getting the megaphone, then yelling ''SETTLE DOWN!''

everyone, in an instant, stopped.

''good. now, i was about to say we're about to have a school play. it's almost on, in about another 3 days. so we don't have much time. it's called ''the knightfall''. 

''OMG!'' everyone squeeled.

''alright. the auditions are open for the rest of the day. your free of lessons for the rest of the week so we can do the play.'' the teacher spoke. ''head to the auditorium''

''so cool!''

after that, everyone walked over to the auditorium as instructed, as they did Tenzu talked with his three best friends.

''among us among us!'' Amonguskid cheered.

''i know right! a medieval play! this is our last school play, so we better not fuck this up!'' Sky cheered.

''you know everyone, now that we finally have one school play left before we all graduate, and it's only still April, we might have some fun'' Whitty spoke.

''alright guys, we got a lot of performing to do'' Tenzu spoke.

they arrived, and as they did, Whitty held Carol's hand.

''don't worry sweetie, you'll do great. i'm sure'' Carol hugged Whitty's arm. 

they all entered, with Tenzu holding onto Sarah's hand for luck.

''hello, everyone'' the drama teacher spoke. ''this is the auditions.''

after several roles were filled, there were only two left: the lead role, the knight, and the female lead, the princess.

as for other roles? Amonguskid96 got a troll, Sky got the witch [obviously], Whitty got the travel guide, and other things i don't have time to talk of.

''alright. final call'' said the drama teacher. ''for the role of Princess Candy. so i had people audition, and they did not fit. but Sarah Dearest.... she did.'' 

Sarah jumped and pumped her fist in the air.

''you go, sis!'' .EXE cheered. Tenzu flushed.

''and as for who the knight should be. it was already reserved by a majority vote, so it's Tenzu''

Tenzu nervously cheered, and he stepped on. but he became silent.

''you okay?'' the drama teacher asked.

''he... has stage fright'' Sarah spoke.

''come again?''

''we need to help him.'' Whitty spoke.

Tenzu and Whitty then spent the next two days helping Tenzu get ready to conquer his stage fright. now, there were only 18 hours before the play.

meanwhile, Pico, at the time of the beginning of this chapter

when we last saw our hero, Pico was tied, and Convict and Tabi had worked together to do so. 

''alright, Convict. i helped with your dirty work. can i please have my cash now?'' Tabi crossed his eyes.

''yes you may. i always keep my end of the bargain'' Convict nodded, and handed the skull man with some money he had robbed prior. 

as Convict left to make a finality of uberkids, Pico fumed. 

''this for cash?'' Pico growled.

''that, and i wanted to see you once again, this time to suffer!'' Tabi grinned.

''alright asshole. you think the world would revolve round you because you think your the best?'' Pico grunted.

''so, you believe your high and mighty all over me?'' Tabi smirked.

''yes. and what makes you think otherwise-'' Tabi wickedly smirked as he said that.

''shut the fuck up, man'' Pico grunted. ''you think the world should just be you you you! but nooooo. how can it be all you if there are at lead 100s of millions of people on the planet?!''

Tabi's eyes shrunk. could this be true?

''is this what you want? revenge because you can't move from the past. don't pull that she used me shit. i know what she did. she told me. but she's changed!'' Pico growled. he pulled a small pocket knife, and cut through the ropes quietly. he then broke free, and ran. ''you ought to be ashamed of yourself!'' he yelled out as he ran.

Tabi, instead of running after him, stared into the floor.

was he.... right?

Pico ran as fast as he could. he had to stop Convict before it was too late! Pico knew he had to do something: if he didn't, his girlfriend, her son and her husband would be under threat, and Convict would be near unstoppable if he amassed enough uberkids!

he had only 4 days before Convict could unleash the amount of Uberkids to cover up his crimes! [that being April 26th]

[writer's note: so Volume 3 will be about Tenzu's rivalry with Xenophanes, but Tabi is also a part of this as well.]

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