Chapter 60: take down the trucking system

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[okay, you may be confused a bit on the last chapter. so Sarah recently got a gold plated collar while out shopping with Tenzu. and let's just say she went overboard with it, and went to just wanting to fuck him.]

Sara peered at a photo of her and Tenzu. it was them on their third date. it was nice. but as she looked at it, she thought of the collar. what was she thinking? in only a few days, she just wanted to use him for sex. what was her problem?

she was about to cave in, when Tenzu appeared to her, with a green hoodie, matching his eyes.

''hey bae, do you-'' he began.

''oh. i thought-''

''no i-''

it was a nervous and awkward moment, but Tenzu then realized she had broken off the sex collar.

''i took what you said to heart. i'm sorry i tried returning to what i wanted to do before we met. i was so obsessed with your massive horse dick, i got carried away with just fucking you and nothing more. but i'm a succubi..... and.... if we get ousted and ostracized for being together..... i want to enjoy it while it lasts...''

she the broke into tears, Tenzu then hugged her to comfort her.

''baby... i'm here. you don't need a chain. i can decide when to fuck you myself.... there's more to it then just that'' he spoke. he held onto her. he didn't want to let go.

''and i thought you were the one who's emotionally fragile. i guess we both are now'' Sarah sniffled.

meanwhile, Pico

Pico and Pica crept through the streets of Nevada. the A.A.H.W was really a nerve, wasn't it? the Army sent the twins out to assist Hoodlum in sweeping down a whole trucking system, as the rest of the resistance was on a giant scraper planed mission. 

they arrived as Hoodlum prepared his gun, then as he saw Pica, he skipped to her, then she grabbed him, spun him round and started kissing him on the lips, and he held her waist to deepen the kiss. and-

''okay, okay lovebirds. we've got company, ya know'' Pico broke it up. then, the trio prepared themselves.

the first truck was riding through the main frame of the dirt, and it was not slowing down. Hoodlum then jumped up, then used his retractable claws to pierce one of the tires. then the other 3 as it skidded to a stop.

''woah woah woah woah woah!'' the driver started sliding out, then he was shot down by Pica.

then Pico shot the next truck. finally, the last truck was taken out as well. the mission was done.

but it wasn't over that fast.

''hehe. babe, you know you got skillz'' Hoodlum complimented. he had a black hoodie where the head has grey jaw props, red goggles and an orange scarf.

''awww, it's nothing. your just jelly. but i can show you my skillz tonight~'' Pica flirted.

''good lord you two save it for the bedroom! or better yet, WAIT UNTIL WE GET BA-'' Pico began, but he was knocked cold.

Pica turned, seeing her twin brother knocked by.... wait what is that?

a giant grunt with a Switzerland hat. yes.

''dude really? that short suspensful buildup for....

merchandising? this ain't the minions, damn it'' Hoodlum stood, disappointed.

the couple shot down the Switzerland grunt, then Pico lifted Pico up. after waving good bye for the day, Pica headed back to base, and eventually lay Pico to rest. 

after half an hour, Pico woke up. he felt his head sore, but otherwise he could move perfectly.

''shit...'' was all he said.

then, he heard on his phone from the boss. it turned out they found a blueprint to Convict.

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