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With the renovations going on at their home and the garden's they wanted to replace since the fire damaged all but a portion of the house, the builders suggested to take it all the way down to the studs and replace what was burned, until Erron showed them he had the original floor plans which was not damaged by smoke nor water as it was stored in the barn office in a safe found away from the house that was burnt.

Erron hired a contractor to clear away the debris, tearing it all the way to foundation to repair cracks as well as rebuilding for this size of home It was meant to be according to the original house plan schematics that included a seven bedrooms and four large bathrooms between the bedrooms to be shared except for the master bedroom which had the largest bathroom and closets, with a huge country style kitchen and fireplace between the dining and family room which is the only upgrade for the plans to fit the family needs. Adding a grand ball room just to the east of all of the family area with a cloak store room, a large powder room for the ladies and wash room for the men set in the style of old Victorian era that also was included with the plans as well as adding a style with pictures of the owner and family that has been restored. It took eighteen months to rebuild, refurbish, furnish, and decorate according to the era in which the plans were made. Upon completion, Erron and Julia were ready to move into the Holmes homestead to bring new life to it as well.

After a month of settling into their new home Erron and Julia planned to host a Come and Go Ball for the Corporations, having it catered by the newest caterer in town and offer tea, coffee, and punch for the children who come with parents. Much planning went into this affair, which was to take place in December. Julia would use the old decorative ornaments she had found in the barn, as theses were the old fashioned ornaments they could find from the era of bygone days for the ball room to be hung on the tree. The activities would offer children a chance to build their own ornament with the help of their parents and older siblings, in order to bring joy to those who even had family lost to previous heartbreak and losses of close family members. Allowing for new memories to be made for everyone who worked or needed help in their life, it would give them a new beginning for hope. Starting with a Santa who would bring Special gifts for all who were there.

Maryiane brought a cutting from her rose of sharon bush to plant out by the side walk as it would help to give life to the entry way of Erron and Julia's new home. Bringing in with it a closer knit community and family times making memories. As they watch Ethan and other children grow up and learn how to give back what they are taught. Julia discovered she was expecting again this time with twins which is unusual for either side of the family and Ethan was just barely two year of age. And with this surprise hanging in until Christmas to tell everyone the news on that eventful day of the Christmas ball so all could be blessed to enjoy the new arrivals of every mom there.

The day of the Christmas ball came with a new fallen snow on the ground that was a nice touch to the evening, as the people came to visit and enjoy the fun that was offered, even those who brought their chidren. The children were excited to see that santa had made his appearance at the Christmas ball walking in with snow all over his suit, hearing the children sing jingle bells as he walked in Santa sit in his special chair to tell them a story of what Christmas really means to him. "It's a time of forgiveness, a time of love that is unconditional, its a time of faith to believe in what you have not seen and know in your heart to be true. Loving is giving of oneself without expecting anything in return. This is my Christmas story to you." He started reaching in his big red bag to give the first gift of the ball handing it to a little girl who had lost her dad to the rig 362, then it continued to the children who also suffered from a loss of a parent to that same incident, and then to those who still had both parent from that incident that were trying to retrain for what they wanted to do. This continued until every child had a gift from the big guy in a red suit. He then turned to the adults in the ball room handing out green envelops to all of the adults in the room for them to oh and awe over their new found lease on life to help them through everyday. The final news was to be the announcement of the moms expecting that had not started to show and yet wanted to tell their news to their family this way, some being single moms and some were moms who had other children that were expecting. The last news fell from Erron and Julia with the announce of them expecting twins which neither of their side had a history of twins.

Julia continued to work up until she was approximately seven and one half month along per Doctors order and had to stay home in order to prevent any emergency which Julia had her sisters all stay with her during this time and her mom and second mom as she called Erron's mom as she would need the help taking care of not just one but two babies. Julia handed over her spot to Erron to take care of while she would be out during this time, yet she would be available to do phone conferences as needed.

Julia wasn't feeling well on Friday, she just could not hold food down on her stomach and it was very painful as she could not walk. Her sister Emmaline was there and put Ethan in the car seat and helped Julia to the car and placed her suitcase in the back as she was sure it would be an overnight stay at the hospital. While driving Emmaline suggested to Julia to call Erron and Notify all of their parents for this venture as it would be the real deal knowing that twins can be early for birth. Julia had notified the last of the parents to let them know she was being taken to the hospital as they arrived Erron had met them there at the door. As did her Dr. who immediately took her up to labor and delivery where she birthed a girl Twilan Mayne and a boy D'Vourke Paul with both weighing in at five pounds and seven ounces and 17 inches. Erron was in heaven now that he had another son and a new little daughter who he could teach to be like her mommy. The day of bringing the twins home, Ethan was excited to see little brother and sister as was the rest of the family. Julia feeling that she has found what she has always wanted and needed was present in the room. For it showed in the care and love that was present in her family she grew up in to the Mother-in-law who loved her for her to that of her having forgiven her husband for the wrong he had done to her and the present now of him being a loving and giving husband and father to her children. Ethan wanted to play with the new siblings and take them out to swing and run, Julia had to remind him that they were still little and could not do much at this time.

Erron was feeling the love from Julia and her parents as they had shown him forgiveness for the wrong he had done those years ago to Julia and finding the faith in himsel, he begin to take the responsibility for his action and be the father he wanted to be towards his and Julia's children. Erron spent quality time with Ethan taking him to see the rig sites along with Shefron and his dad Verle. They all were just enjoying being out and seeing the sites while explaining to Ethan what goes on at these sites and how to be safe as well.


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