Chapter 1

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I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was the same girl I saw every day, but somehow something had changed.

I brushed my fingers along the length of my light brown eyes, and my golden brown skin. My curls fell just on my shoulders, just as they usually did. Something had changed, and I knew it.

Maybe it’s just the nerves Misha, I rolled my eyes at myself.

“Misha!” a voice called from downstairs.

I recognized it as my mother’s. “Yes?”

“Breakfast!” she yelled.

“Coming!” I yelped back.

I took one more look at myself in the mirror, from my lumberjack T-shirt and black jeans to my black high-tops and the sparkling pink band in my curls. I smeared a drop of strawberry lip gloss onto my lips and headed down.

My mother sat at the table, reading the local newspaper. She nodded to me as I sat down at the table and removed another curler from her hair. A cowlick of wispy hair fell before her eyes.

“Did you sleep well?” she asked softly, turning the page.

“Fairly,” I replied, picking up my fork to put bacon and pancakes on my plate.

Just then, my brother, Hayden bounded into the kitchen, his knit cap pulled down over his head of long brown-blonde curls identical to mine. His head phones were pulled down over his ears, and he repeated the words to a rap beat as he set about, preparing his breakfast.

I reached up and ripped the headphones off, 2Pac suddenly blaring into the kitchen.

Hayden frowned at me; I smirked.

“What was that for?” he demanded.

“These things are gonna’ deafen you someday,” I laughed. “Someday soon retard.”

Hayden tried to stab me with his fork, but I was too quick for him; I was out of his grasp in an easy jiffy, and his frown burnt my skin.

“You two stop it,” my mom said, not really looking at us. She turned the page and hitched in a gasp. “Oh my...”

“What’s up mom?” Hayden asked before I could.

She shook her head and spread the newspaper flat on the surface.


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