Chapter 3.

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Samar's POV

She moved her hand forward and there were 

Broken pieces of vase  in her hand. 

"Who broke this?" Chachi asked , although her voice was calm but everyone was aware of the fact that this vase was gifted to chachi by her friend 18 years ago! and she has always kept it with a great care. I wonder who that friend was? Mom told me that we met her when I was 3 years old and Jaspreet veer ji was 7 years old. She and Chachi were really close. 

"Prabh .. actually , I was on call and I didn't noticed it, My hand hit and it fall down" Chachu confessed. 

Everyone on dinner table was silent. No one spoke , even chachu didn't gave any justification or excuse , we all were aware that chachi is hurt. To hell with my pizza and pasta , right now , I can't  see my chachi sad. 

Chachi silently went from there. She didn't spoke a single word. Chachu also got up and went to room without eating. He loves chachi a lot! 

I wish , if life had some sort of undo button , but unknowingly mistakes happen and sadly we can't even correct them.Sometimes , Life is really unfair. I and Chachu can buy hundreds of such vase , but the thing is not vase , it's about her friend. 

All of us silently ate the dinner , although in all this Jaspreet veer ji was saved from the topic of his marriage. After dinner , I went to kitchen with my mom. We can afford chefs but my mom and chachi like to cook themselves. Mom gave me two plates for chachi and chachu   , as I turned to move out of the kitchen , I saw dadi ( grandma ) there ,she gestured me to give the plates to her.

My grandma has a great bond with both my mom and chachi , So it's best if grandma visits there. I handed her the plates. 

I silently went to my room. We're going to Goa tomorrow ... Why something bad has to happen just when we're so happy !? 


Orphange stood silent in the night sky as everyone was asleep , but in the room at the end of hallway , a petite figure is sitting on her bed. Her eyes red and swollen from all the crying. Trapped in a life of misery and despair , Gurnaaz sat their with a heavy heart.


Feeling the weight of my  miseries , I remembered my mother's words to have faith in god. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath , trying to calm the storm of emotions. I can't be weak.. I have to believe in god. 

I stood up and recited Chaupai Sahib path ( It is a prayer in sikhism) 

Then I  went to take the only thing , which can guide me, my mother's diary! I turned the pages and finally stopped at a particular page. I started reading.

Dear Diary , 

You know today someone asked me that why I believe in God? Why should I believe in a thing , I never saw?

Can someone see the music? NO! It's something to feel , It's something to listen , not to see. 

Same way , God is something to be felt , to be believed. It's not topic of being seen. If you believe in him , then he is everywhere!

"Kehte hain log ki bhagwaan nazar nhi aata , lekin ek vahi toh nazar aata hai jab kujh aur nazar nhi aata" 

(The world often says that God is invisible , but to my eyes , he is the only visible hope of light when everything else goes dark ) 

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