Chapter 4.

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Author's POV

Plane landed on the Goa airport. Whole Gill family sat in the respective cars booked for them and they drove towards the Villa. Prabh is relaxed now , Inder kaur consoled her last night and she fed her food with her own hands. 

Cars stopped in front of a huge villa. Everyone got out of the car and walked inside the villa. Samar , is  the most excited. Everyone decided to have some rest and later in the evening , they'll go to the beach. Everyone went to their rooms. 

Jaspreet's POV 

"When will they start listening to me?" Jaspreet asked himself as he entered his room. He sat on the bed and removed his coat. Just then , his phone rang and Jaspreet answered the call. 

"Good morning sir , Sir our men are on their way , they'll reach the villa soon." Other person said. 

I sighed. Those bodyguards will be here soon. How I wish , I could tell my family the truth , may be then they would support me for keeping bodyguards. 


Today , In morning , when everyone was ready to leave for the airport , my mom came to me and she told me that they don't want to take bodyguards with them on the trip. I protested but she said 

"Jaspreet , Why guards need to be there , We're going for a family trip , we do deserve some privacy." 

I tried to explain her but Chachu said "No , Preet , we're not taking guards. I've already informed guards that today is their day off." 

And this is the only thing in which Chachu never supported me. I don't blame them . My whole family hates the idea of keeping guards. Even I do , but it's important! I can't take the risk. Specially , when my family is not aware of the truth. But , I know the situation , So , I called a company in Goa , to provide security. 

Flashback ends 

Author's POV

Soon , the bodyguards arrived , Jaspreet instruced them and went to his room. After sometime , Samar came out of his room to drink water. On his way to kitchen , he found Inder kaur standing in the hall and looking at the bodyguard standing at the door. Samar noticed it and went to her. 

"Dadi ( grandma) Why are you standing here?" 

"I want to go to the temple nearby but I don't want to take bodyguards with me" Inder Kaur replied. 

Samar thought for a moment and said " I can take you there without bodyguards." 

Inder looked at him in confusion , She knows that her elder grandson , Jaspreet will never allow her to go without bodyguards. 

Samar cleared her confusion , " Dadi , these are newly appointed bodyguards , If we told them that we want to go alone , they'll not create any issue , our regular bodyguards are strictly instructed by veer ji ( brother ) , but as these are new , we can convince them" 

Inder Kaur smiled and Samar and Inder sat in the car and drove to temple after convincing the bodyguards. 

In Orphanage 

Gurnaaz quickly completed all her work as she wanted to take a permission from Manali. If she left any of the smallest task , she will not be allowed to go out. 

Gurnaaz cleaned the last window and She washed the cloth with which she was cleaning. She gathered the courage and slowly walked towards Manali's room. Manali was sitting on the chair , eating pizza , while watching her favourite show. Gurnaaz entered the room , Manali noticed her and smiled evilly. 

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