Chapter 8.

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Jaspreet POV 

"Yes, She was the girl Lawyer said and I was shocked. 

Why would she marry such a man who is more than double her age?! 

"So, you guys forced her to marry him" Dadi asked angirly to the Lawyer. My Dadi is an orphan too , She has spent her childhood orphanage. She can understand this situation better. 

"No, We didn't forced her. She .. She herself agreed to this marriage" 

Lie! I don't believe this , No girl would agree for such marriage. 

"But why would a girl agree for such marriage? She'll never unless she is forced"  Prabh  Chachi spoke. 

"Ofcourse She was forced , that's why yesterday , He told her 'Don't run' Why would she try to run , if she wasn't forced?"

Dadi then narrated yesterday's whole incident to everyone and now I was clear that She was forced , but the lawyer was still not accepting and I don't have much patience to hear his lies more. I moved towards him but just then ambulance arrived to take the dead body. As they were taking dead body , I got a call from Agam. I moved out to receive the call. 

"Yes, Agam? Any info?" 

"Preet , This man is 57 years old and had two wives in past but both of them divorced him. He has domestic violence charges and many other , I'm sending you details on e-mail" and the call went dead. 

Domestic violence charges? How can these bloody people force a innocent girl to marry such a man! 

My blood boiled when I read all the details. So, that means they sold her! I turned to go inside as I can't stand more lies from that bloody lawyer , but I saw dada ji standing there. 

"They sold her, right?" Dada ji asked and I nodded and tried to move inside , I'll kill this lawyer  for sure. 

"Stop Preet!" Dada ji said and I stopped looking at him confused. 

"I know what you are planning to do! But killing Lawyer will not solve anything... What about other people involved in this? Now, you'll say , you'll deal with them but Preet they're criminals.." 

"I can handle them" for the very first time in my life I cutted my dada ji's words because I can actually handle these bloody people. I know my family is not aware of the truth but I've handled criminals who are worse than these. 

"I know you can!" Dada ji's these words shocked me.. "I know everything Preet! Do you think I don't understand the reason behind all this tight security and Do you think we're going to ignore the fact that some goons actually tried to kill you! I know you're hiding something.... I don't doubt capability son , but I've seen what happened with Jasdeep , I will not allow you to do same mistake!" 

"But , dada ji we need to something ... " 

"Will you marry her , Preet?" I heard dadi's voice , and was taken aback by sudden question... I doubted if I even heard it right. 

"Marriage , dadi?" She nodded and I looked towards dada ji and said "But , dadi , How can I?" 

"That is best way to save her Preet ! These criminals are very sharp , we'll not find a proof against them easily but statement of a girl can be a solid proof , but girls wouln't give statement easily as they're in orphanage , they'll be afraid to give it , but , if you marry her , we can save her and all other girls!" Dada ji said. 

"But there could be other ways to do it Dada ji , How can I just marry her without her consent? I can't expect her to spent her whole life with me without asking her will  ... We need consent before marriage otherwise what is difference between us and those criminals?  They're also marrying her without consent!" I said speaking my thoughts loud. 

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