Chapter 11

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Gurnaaz POV

Manali went out of the room but her words were still roaming in my head..

Will he ... Will he leave me? He will ... maybe Manali is right , he married out of guilt...

"Don't pay attention to her words" Fatima said.

'Yes Gurnaaz, You need not to overthink , besides he seems a good man" Avni said assuring me.

"and handsome too" Ashi said while teasing me. A small smile appeared on my face as I thought about him. I smiled after a long time today. Maybe God decided to end my miseries.

"Someone is blushing" Ashi and Khushi said together and they all started laughing. I ignored their teasing and went towards my cupboard , earlier Manali didn't let me carry much things.

I took my clothes , there were only three which were my own , all others were old clothes of our seniors. I was packing clothes when Fatima came and handed me the medicines.

"You forgot those" I nodded and kept them in the bag. I smiled and hugged all of them and moved out of the room. I was going towards reception when someone pulled me back , It was Manali. I was wearing a embroidered lehenga and it was heavy , I wasn't able to walk fast , so she harshly dragged me to an adjacent room

"Don't you try to be smart Gurnaaz , don't you even dare telling them anything , it will be of no use , you tried once before and you know what happened" Manali said with a evil smile.

"They will not help you , they will soon realise that you're just a pathetic curse and will then throw you out!" saying this she left my hand and went out while I stood there , tears flowing throw my eyes. I gathered myself and tried not to pay attention to her words but they were ringing in my head. I cleaned my face and went towards reception. I entered the reception and Jaspreet , dadi and dadu were sitting there. Dadi smiled seeing me and I went towards her.

I was now walking with dadi while Jaspreet was walking beside us , this time I felt his gaze on me.

Jaspreet POV

Gurnaaz went inside the orphanage while we were sitting in the reception area. I was sitting with dada ji. All the events of today were roaming in my head. How unpredictable the life is...I looked around and saw some young girls playing in ground. A smile formed on my face seeing them yet my heart ached thinking about the torture they go through.

Mistress's behaviour in the court , in front of everyone , the way she blamed Naaz for death of her parents .. I can't imagine what she must be doing behind the back.

I saw dadi was lost thinking something. "What happened dadi?" I asked.

"Nothing , nothing beta .. Well do you know her name?" She asked me.

"Yes, I read it on papers , it's Na -- Gurnaaz" I said

"Gurnaaz" Dadu repeated her name and he seemed shocked , but why?

"What happened dadu?"

"Nothing , nothing Preet" He answered. What has happened to both of them.. I wanted to ask but I choosed to stay quiet. I was waiting for Naaz to come back when I noticed Dada ji smiling.

"What happened dadu?"

"Mai ta bas kartar de rang dekh reha Preet"

(I am just observing wonders of God , Preet)

I didn't understood what Dadu wanted to say , so he himself elaborated.

"Did you saw that girl , She is blind and orphan too but still she is smiling .. God has given everyone different problems and different perspectives. Some even smile in problems and some cry even in big castles" He said and started walking while I followed him. He stopped near that blind girl and she also turned towards us sensing our presence. Dadu gently patted her head and asked

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