Chapter 10.

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Jaspreet's POV 

I was walking towards the car with her  , holding her hand as softly as I can. I felt my heart beating fast. Her hands are really small compared to mine. I felt her gaze on me whole the time , I know she must be  occupied with many thoughts. 

Or may be she must be cursing me! Ofcourse , she would. I didn't even asked her if she wanted to marry or not?

We came out of  the court and suddenly my phone rang. I took out my phone , I was expecting Samar's call as he is always overexcited and he must be waiting at villa but call was from Arsh. 

And if it's Arsh , It can be something important. We were still walking and we were near the car. Dadi noticed Arsh's call and signalled me to answer it. I nodded and looked towards Naaz. 

Yes ! I read her name , while signing the papers. 

Naaz was looking towards Dadi now , I left her hand and went to a corner to attend the phone. 

"Hello , Yes Arsh?"

"Veer ji , The man caught by bodyguards has finally revealed the name. Attack was done by Arman."

I hummed in response and call went dead. I was standing in parking. I was just about to keep phone back in my pocket when I noticed a glint of metal in the rear view mirror of a car. As I looked clearly , I saw a gleaming knife , it was mere inches away from my back.  I swiftly  bent and knife hit my shoulder , leaving a slight cut ,  If I hadn't noticed it , it would have hit right in my chest. 

I looked behind but no one was there. Blood  started flowing out of the wound. Thankfully , I had removed my coat , and was in shirt. I covered the wound with handkerchief and wore the coat , I can't let anyone know about this or they will be stressed , second attack in single day.

I went towards the car then. 

Gurnaaz's POV 

I was looking at him continuously while walking. My brain was filled with questions

How that old man died? Was he responsible for that? Why would he marry me?  

and then his phone rang , he left my hand and went to attend the phone. I was still seeing him , dadi patted my back and I turned.

"What happened beta?"

(Beta - child)

"Nothing dadi" I replied.

"Beta , I know you are confused , but trust me , I will answer all your questions." She said with assuring smile to which I nodded.

"What's your name beta?"

"Gurnaaz" I replied.

I saw dadi's eyes widening , she was looking shocked.

"What happened Dadi?" I asked.

She shooked her head in no indicating nothing happened and she passed me a smile.

She then gestured me to sit in the car. I nodded. Dadi went towards back seat and she sat there , I also went to her but she gestured me to sit in front seat.

Soon dadu came and sat at back seat. I was confused but dadi again gestured me to sit at front.

I opened the door of front seat and sat there. Soon , he came and sat on driver seat.

I was looking outside the window while I felt his gaze on me. I was still in shock , a lot has happened today and now I'm married to him and going to a new home. I want to visit orphange once , earlier I was being sold but now .. I think I can ask him , maybe he will allow me to go there. 

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