Chapter 6.

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At villa

Author's POV

After dinner , Jaspreet was sitting in his room. Usually he would check emails and do his work but today , he was lost in the thoughts.

He was thinking about the girl which has not left his mind , from the time he first laid his eyes on her.

He took his pen and started writing.

I don't know , why , but , today I'm feeling happy. The reason is still unknown , but my heart is at peace. Normally , I would be filled with various thoughts at this time related to work , office all , but today , the only thing in my mind are those eyes.

It's strange .. just seeing her made me feel soo happy.. her eyes are really something .. I can say , one of the most beautiful creation of God , but perhaps, I'm actually overthinking .. I may not meet her again , but it's strange to feel so connected at the very first meeting...

Next day

Orphanage , Goa , morning 5 am

Gurnaaz woke up with red eyes , she was surrounded by all her friends , they too have stains of tears on their cheeks.

Gurnaaz observe them and her eyes were full with fresh tears. She is not going to see them again. She will be married today.

She looked outside the window and it was still dark. She slowly got up and moved towards the window. She looked outside the window towards the sky , As if asking God about what bad deeds , she has done for this severe punishment..

She stood there for some time and then moved into washroom...

Meanwhile , Fatima woke up.. She also had red eyes because of all the crying. Ahana , was young , she couldn't understand whole the situation, but she did understand that Gurnaaz will never meet them again now. She was still sleeping.

Gurnaaz came out of the washroom and started her daily chores. Manali was still sleeping as she gets up at 7.

Gurnaaz went to hall for cleaning it , Avni was already in the hall , cleaning the portraits. Shortly , Ashi and Fatima also joined them.

This has been routine for the girls to wake up early and clean , but today all of them had great struggle in controlling their tears.

After cleaning hall , kitchen , reception area  and bedrooms , girls actually sat on sofa to take rest , but today they weren't tired of work. Their eyes were hurting because of all the crying and that was when Manali came.

Manali had evil smile on her face. She moved towards Gurnaaz and told her to follow her.

Gurnaaz silently followed Manali , they soon reached the kitchen and Manali opened a cupboard to take out the biscuits. She never allowed girls to eat biscuits.

Manali was actually using all the money for herself. All the donations , funds.

She forwarded biscuits to Gurnaaz

"I have looked after you for years, so when you're leaving , I can allow you to have your favourite biscuits" Manali said

Gurnaaz didn't took the biscuit. Manali glared at her , but she still didn't took. Usually Manali would get angry but today she wasn't. She simply smiled and said

"You have troubled me the most. All other girls simply obey me , but you .." Saying this Manali grabbed Gurnaaz's hairs.

"You created problems for me" Saying this she left her hairs and moved forward. Her back was facing Gurnaaz.

"But today I'll get rid of you" She said swaying the spoon. She turned and smiled at Gurnaaz.

Gurnaaz was controlling her tears. She never cried in front of Manali. She didn't want to cry in front of devil to boast their ego.She had always tried to complain against Manali unlike other girls ,  may be that's why Manali choosed her to sell.

On other side
Jaspreet POV

"That's enough now please mom" Samar said as he was bored.

All the women of Gill family were shopping while men were carring bags.

"Prabh , it's enough now , I don't think , we even have more space in our room for these art pieces" Satwant chachu said to chachi but got a bombastic side eye as a reply.

He broke a vase and he can't speak now for atleast a month. While my dad was actually buying some jhumkas , which he liked for my mother and then he will give those jhumkas to Samar and will say him to give that to mom as they actually got into a fight in morning as always.

They fight but also care too much.
Dada ji is peacefully sitting and reciting gurbani. His lips are always moving , as he is always chanting prayers.

"I think we got all the things in the list" Mom said.

"Finally!" Chachu and Samar let out a breath.

"Let's eat something now" Arsh said.
"Yeah , I saw a restaurant while coming , it looked good , let's go there " Chachu said.

"No , Chachu , I've already booked a table in a restaurant" I told them.

"A table or whole restaurant?" Chachu asked back.

As I said earlier , they never supported me in these things , they like to go in crowded places , without bodyguards. Chachu and Samar actually enjoy crowded places.

"Ofcourse , he would have booked whole restaurant" Samar said and he further added "There is no joy , in sitting alone in a whole restaurant" He said making a dramatic expression.

"But --" I tried to say but stopped when Dad signalled me.

No matter , how much I insist now , they're not going to agree. I may be strict rude boss but I really can't speak here , as a matter of fact , I know they're not wrong. I can give them this.

Getting a yes from my side , all went inside , while I called the bodyguards to come here. I've sent bodyguards to other restaurant, which I had booked.

I entered the restaurant but it was actually empty. Only a man in coat and a man dressed as a groom were sitting at a distance. On asking the manager , I got to know that groom booked this place , for his party.

We sat on a table and started discussing the menu. I was actually observing the restaurant when my eyes laid on the man in coat.

He ... He was the same man who grabbed her yesterday. Man next to him was the groom.

Is she .. is she getting married?

I don't know why but this thought ruined my mood. I was feeling uneasy with the thought.
What is happening to me? Why am I getting so affected by her?

I don't know , I was annoyed by the thought of her marriage and i was little angry ..

( Author - little? Are you sure Jass?)

I didn't realised that I actually bent a spoon which was in my hand , and i was hitting it with table while thinking all this , and then the spoon fell down , it was when I looked down and actually came out of my thoughts.

But then I heard a gunshot. I immediately stood up and took out my gun and was looking towards my family to see if anyone was hurt , thankfully, all were safe.

I turned towards the direction from where the voice of gunshot came. I noticed shadow of some men running. I moved to follow them but stopped after seeing the reactions on the faces of my family. They were looking shocked. I turned in the direction , all were looking and found.....

The groom was dead!

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