Chapter 5.

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Jaspreet POV

Aftersome rest , I came out of my room. This trip was planned by Samar , so he has decided about our schedule. I went to his room to know about schedule but he wasn't there!

This boy.. Can't he just wait. I went to guards to ask about him and got to know that he has left for temple nearby with dadi.

I drove to temple and when I got out of car , I saw Samar looking here and there , as if he was finding someone and then he noticed me.

I went towards him , but couldn't find dadi there , So I asked him about dadi..

"Veer ji ... umm actually , I dropped dadi here and went to park the car and when I came back .... dadi wasn't in ... temple. I'm looking for her .. she must be here only.." He replied.

This boy , I told them to take car but this was not time to give him a lecture.

I looked around and saw some shops of clothes. Dadi is fond of shopping , she must have gone this side. I and samar started moving in that direction.

After walking some distance , I saw dadi. There was a girl with her but I wasn't able to see her face properly because she wasn't facing me and her hair strand was covering her side face.

I don't know what this feeling is but a sudden curiosity hit me to see her face. We moved closer and I heared dadi blessing her. She helped dadi find way.. suddenly a man came and harshly grabbed her arm.
She turned her face from dadi to that man and that was when I saw her and it was ... mesmerizing!

Her brown eyes were so beautiful that I just kept staring at her... She wasn't looking at me , she was looking at that man and maybe that man said her something, I don't know , I wasn't listening anything , It felt like my brain went numb. I was just staring at her.

She was so beautiful... I don't remember, for how long I was staring but then she turned and moved away.

"Thank you" Samar shouted and I realised that I was just soo lost that I didn't even thanked her for helping.

She turned and smiled and then our eyes met. I was again lost in those eyes.

Those brown eagle eyes were more deeper than any ocean and I was ready to drown in them. Those beautiful eyes expressed many emotions.

I couldn't properly read but it felt like they're saying something. She then lowered eyes and broke the eye contact and then it was that I came back to my senses.

She started moving away and then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. It was dadi.

"Kithe kho geya preet?"

( Where are you lost preet? )

"Kite nahi dadi , chlo chaliye"

( No, I'm not lost dadi , let's go )

I said and moved , but , I was surprised! Surprised at the fact that I was actually so lost that I didn't realised my surroundings.

It never happened before ... For the very first time , my overthinking brain was not thinking at all... No thoughts ... and it felt peaceful..

I don't know why .. but her eyes are something... The innocence those eyes hold was something which attracted me.

I reached the villa and aftersometime we went to beach.

I was sitting at beach. Normally , I would have sit and would have been about office and other work , but today , my mind wasn't leaving the thought of that girl.

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