Chapter 7.

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Jaspreet POV 

"The groom was dead"

I was standing just right to his body. His face was covered due to 'sehra' on his face. He was getting married today and now he was laying dead here .... and  I was reason for it! 

That bullet was for ME , not for him. I was the one who was supposed to die. I was still processing everything when that man dressed as lawyer , who was talking to the groom some moments ago , moved towards the dead body of groom. 

He looked at the dead body of groom for sometime and then he came to me. 

"YOU! They came for you right? But see they killed him!That's how you rich people are , innocent die in your fights! Now what will happen to the girl he was marrying too huh?! That girl is an orphan and this man was marrying her to give her a beautiful life and because of YOU , he died..." 

Before he could continue , papa and chachu came to him , to may be calm him down , but I  was not calm now! A storm of thoughts and guilt was running inside me. 

Am I the reason for all this?  Did I stoled happiness of that girl. 

As I thought about her , my heart ripped apart , She is an orphan and today She was getting married but noww ... 

I was breathing heavily due to these thoughts , I walked from there and came to the balcony of the restaurant. No doubt , I have dealt with many criminals , I killed some criminals but I've never killed any innocent! Never... but today , an innocent died because of me... 

I have to get information about this groom and have to talk to his family. So i went inside to take a photograph of him , so that AGAM can  give me information about him. 


Jaspreet was blaming himself for all that happened. He was standing in balcony thinking about how he ruined a girl's life. Meanwhile .. Gill family was trying to calm Jatin. 


I am a lawyer by profession but I always dreamt of being the richest man and due to my greed , I ended up helping my sister Manali. 

Manali used to keep all the funds and donations which came for orphanage. We stopped sending girls to school , so that we can use money which was reserved for their school fee. Gradually , our greed grew and we sold a girl of orphanage and then another girl. 

We got hefty amount of money and I was happy about it .. But last night changed my everything. 


I reached my house and I was very happy as we got a hefty sum of money for selling Gurnaaz. I entered the house but all the lights were turned off. I called my wife to ask about her whereabouts but what I heard next ... left me shocked and bewildered. My daughter was admitted in his hospital. 

I immediately reached hospital to meet my daughter but my wife stopped me .. 

"Let me meet her!" 

"You can't! You are the one responsible for all this. You sold those innocent girls! And now my daughter is paying for your sins!" 


My wife's words were ringing in my head and decided to meet that old man and to convince him to not to marry Gurnaaz. I was sitting with him in restaurant and only word I can use to describe this man is devil. He is divorced twice and has domestic violence , marital rape and many more charges against him , that's why he is living alone now. 

But I am not less than devil , I'm selling a innocent girl to him. I was still talking to him , when we heard a gunshot. Bullet hit right in his head and he fall down. I noticed a family sitting beside us. 

They look rich and the way that guy immediately took his gun , I was sure those men actually came to kill that guy but they killed this devil. Immediately I got an  idea. I know Manali very well , She will be happy to know about death of this oldie because we've already got the money from him , and now Manali will sell Gurnaaz to someone else , Double money for a single girl. 

Manali hates Gurnaaz and will re sell her for sure , but what if I take money by blackmailing this rich family and then I can tell Manali that old man wants Gurnaaz to come to restaurant. I will give money to Gurnaaz and will say her to leave the Goa. Manali will never know about death of this oldie , and may be if I helped Gurnaaz then maybe my daughter will be alright. 

I thought this and went to that guy and emotionally blackmailed him about how he killed an innocent person. His family members came to calm me down. I saw that guy going to balcony but I continued with my blackmailing. Aftersome time that Guy camed inside and moved towards the dead body , he bent down and removed his .... Sehra , to see his face. 

I could see shocked expressions on the face of guy and his family. Anyone can guess about the age of this man by seeing his face , so these shocked expressions were expected. 

Guy looked at his face for sometime and then clicked a pic of him. After he moved towards me , but before him a lady spoke .... 

"Was he getting married to the same girl , who helped me?" She asked. 

I looked at her and remembered that She is same old lady , Gurnaaz helped. If I told her that Gurnaaz is the girl , she will get suspicious about it , because no girl would marry a man who is more than double her age. So , I decided to lie. I was still thinking about excuse when that guy asked. 

"We are asking you something! Was this man marrying that girl!" The coldness his voice hold sent shiver down my body and the way he was intensely gazing at me ... I trembled and spoke the truth. 

"Yes , She was the girl!" 


How was the Chapter guys? I know it's a short update but I have my exams now! 

But I'll update next chapter soon.. Do comment your views on it 

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