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The following morning, Khan packed their things while Diana stood on a hillside, looking through her binoculars, studying the terrain. Khan approached his wife. "You know, Diana, sometimes I can't help but think that all these superstitions and beliefs surrounding ancient artifacts are quite dangerous," he said. "That's why I brought you along, my hunter, my hero," she playfully mocked. "Very funny," he quipped.

Diana continued to study the terrain, aware of Khan's impatience. She smiled and handed him the binoculars. As he looked through the device, she began to share her thoughts. "Oh, come on, Khan. You can't deny that there's a certain allure to the mysteries and legends surrounding these artifacts. It adds an element of excitement to our work, don't you think?"

Khan gave her a look, questioning her seriousness. "Diana, I get it, but don't you think it's a bit strange that we're traveling through time and across continents in search of these relics? It's like we're living in some sort of adventure movie," he laughed. "Well, that's part of what makes our journey so thrilling. We get to explore different cultures and unravel the stories of the past. It's like being a time-traveling detective in a way," she added, adjusting her hat. "Yeah, well, just remember that time travel isn't real. It's all about hard work and dedication," Khan said with a smirk, handing her back her binoculars.

"Oh, so you're saying that you don't believe in the magic and mystery of our travels?" she playfully responded, sticking her binoculars in her backpack. "Don't get me wrong, they are real, and quite dangerous if you're not protected, but I also believe in the power of prayer, teamwork and our ability to conquer any challenge that comes our way," Khan said, picking up his gear. "Fair enough, honey. But I'll still keep my eye out for any hidden artifacts that might hold a touch of enchantment," she remarked, showing her ring to him with a smirk.

"As long as you keep your feet firmly on the ground, I'm happy to explore the unknown with you any time, my dear. Looks like we've got a two-hour hike ahead of us," Khan said as he began to walk off. Diana grabbed her bag and followed, sharing a knowing smile, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them in the vast and mystical world of the jungle. They set out to explore the temple.

The journey was treacherous, with steep cliffs and dangerous animals lurking around every corner. Diana used her expertise to identify potential pitfalls and map out a safe route, while Khan relied on his physical strength and agility to navigate through the terrain. As they continued towards their destination, they finally arrived at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. Khan noticed an ancient stone altar with a broken idol of the serpent, reminiscent of the bronze snake pole from Moses' time.

"Yeah, look at what we have here, a sacrificial altar," Khan said with a grim tone of sarcasm. Diana had a deep appreciation for the ancient religious beliefs and practices of the civilization that had built the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. "I bet you did not know that Quetzalcoatl, or what we call the 'Feathered Serpent,' was an important god to the ancient people of Mesoamerica. The worship of Quetzalcoatl became widespread with the rise of the Toltec civilization around 900 A.D. and spread throughout the region, even down to the Yucatan peninsula, where it caught on with the Mayans. What facts are associated with this mysterious god?" she asked.

Khan listened attentively, impressed by Diana's knowledge and insight, although his spirit found it displeasing. As they climbed the steps, coming closer to the altar, Khan saw scattered human skeletal remains across the ground. "Not for these poor souls," Khan quipped, catching Diana's attention. Diana saw the bones and gave Khan a look as her smile faded. Khan noticed her reaction and added, "I know that reality is a slap in the face, but once you accept the truth, it does get easier," trying to provoke a reaction.

Ignoring Khan, Diana stopped and examined a skull beneath her feet. "It's amazing to think about how much these ancient people knew about the world around them," she grumbled back, dropping the skull and continuing to walk forward. "Yeah, if you're sick and demented. We humans are created for a purpose, not for these demons' next meal," Khan said with a prejudiced tone. "I am not going to argue about this, but you are right," she said as she walked on.

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