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A few days later...

The sky is cloudy, but there is a sense of calm inthe air. The wind is gentle, and the leaves of the trees rustlequietly. The cemetery is peaceful and quiet, with only the distantsound of traffic breaking the silence. Azrael stands before Diana'stombstone, which is polished and gleaming in the subdued light. Theclouds overhead are thick and heavy, casting a gray hue overeverything.

Despite this, the atmosphere is serene and still,almost as if the weather is holding its breath in respect for themoment. Azrael pulls his hat off and kneels before the tombstone likea martial artist in meditation. The wind picks up slightly, touslinghis hair and rustling the leaves around him.

The sound is soft and soothing, creating a peacefulambiance in the cemetery. "I got your favorite flowers, mylove. Today would have marked our seventh anniversary. I know you'rein a better place, but I still pray for justice for your untimelydemise,"

Azrael says as he lays a dozen blue roses in frontof Diana's tombstone, their bright petals contrasting starkly againstthe pristine white stone. In the aftermath of the deep loss of hisbest friend, lover, and companion, Azrael stands and composeshimself, fighting back his emotions. "Diana, I miss you somuch," he whispers.

Azrael turns around and sees Gibbins approaching."Gibbins, glad you made it," he says. "Iwouldn't miss it. You and Diana are the most important people in mylife," Gibbins responds as he lays his flowers down on hergrave.

He stands and gives Azrael an envelope with a file."This is for you," he says with a smile. Azraellooks at the envelope, then glances back at Gibbins. "A gift,I'm blushing," Azrael quips as he opens the envelope.

To his surprise, he now holds Diana's wedding ringin the palm of his hand. He shuffles through several photos and aflash drive with video footage from the Museum that shows Demetrius'sinvolvement in Diana's death. "Where did you get this?"Azrael asks in disbelief.

"Off of Demetrius' dead girlfriend Gwen,who got herself wrapped around a utility pole during a car chase lastyear. I had to pull some strings to get this evidence. You will findDemetrius in the Areth Hospital, for he was drugged by Gwen on thenight that she died," Gibbins explains.

"He's still in the hospital after a year?"Azrael questions with suspicion. "He's in hiding, pretendingto be sick, sources say, but the nurses move him around so he's neverin one spot. But tonight he will be in room 607," Gibbinsretorts.

Azrael declares, "Then tonight I will havea little chat with him. Also, be alert. These kinds of people havesome kind of special soldiers to protect them now. Moreover, we needevidence of the Super Soldier Program conspiracy, so don't kill him,"Gibbins warns.

Azrael glances at Gibbins with an odd expression."He's human; I am not called to be the executioner of humans,besides it's written 'vengeance is mine' says Aravat," hesays with a grim tone. "But after tonight, we will havejustice for Diana's death," Azrael responds as the two menwalk off the scene from the cemetery.

Later that night...

The moon shines over the City of Areth. Azrael isstalking around the Areth Hospital, scoping the height of thebuilding, trying to keep a low profile. Suddenly, five super soldiersappear out of nowhere, dressed in black, looking like ninjas.

They circle him, blocking his path. "You'renot going anywhere," one of the soldiers threatens. Azraelcracks his knuckles with a smirk. "I was hoping for a littleexercise tonight." The soldiers charge at him, but Azraelwas too fast for them. He ducks and weaves, delivering lightning-fastpunches and kicks.

The soldiers are strong, but Azrael is smarter. Hequickly shoots two darts from his bracers, putting them to sleep. Hethen leaps onto his motorcycle, and races off. "Don't let himescape," yells one of the soldiers.

The remaining three soldiers jump into their SUV inhot pursuit, trailing Azrael in a high-speed chase through the citystreets. Azrael weaves in and out of traffic, narrowly avoidingcollisions. The soldiers are relentless, firing their weapons at himas they chase him down. "Try this on for size," he said as hereached into his utility belt.

Azrael pulls out a small disc device, pushes abutton, the tossed it over his shoulder, a burst of energy shootsout, taking out the wheels of the soldiers' vehicle, causing it toflip end-over-end and crash into the side of a building, killing twosoldiers instantly, leaving only one alive.

He comes to a screeching halt, dismounting from hismotorcycle, and slowly approaches the remaining survivor who isclimbing out of the wreckage. He sees Azrael approaching like a darkapparition. As he stands over the already wounded soldier, Azraelgrabs him by his collar and jacks him up against the wall. "Iwant Blackwell, where is he?" he demands.

The soldier and Azrael are locked like to rams in adeath match. "I'll never tell you anything!" heyells back defiantly. Azrael's eyes narrow. "Wrong answer."He presses his hand to the soldier's forehead and focuses his energy,interrogating the soldier with slight electrical charges from hisglove.

He quickly extracts the information and throws himaside. The soldier does a Nazi salute, saying, "Hail Demetrius,"then snaps his own neck. Azrael takes a deep breath and mutters,"Another lost soul due to the cause of brainwashed Demetriuswill pay for what he's done," he growls, clenching his fist. He then scans the area, making sure no one else is around, and thencontinues on his mission.


Its a hot and muggy night, the full moon looms highover the City of Areth. The Areth Hospital is seen with a fewpedestrians entering and leaving the hospital. Inside on the sixthfloor, Nurse Kate is attending to Demetrius. "Alright, Mr.Blackwell, I have just completed your final check-up. Your vitalsseem to be stable, and you should be able to get a good night'srest," she says as she opens the window to let the fresh airin.

"Thank you, nurse. It's been a long day,and I'm looking forward to getting some rest," Demetriussays as he tries to relax. "Of course, Mr. Blackwell. Isthere anything else you need before I go?" Nurse Kate askswith her pleasant smile.

"No, that's quite alright. Thank you foryour help." The nurse nods and exits the room, turning thelights off and then closing the door behind her. Demetrius lies inbed, trying to get comfortable, but the heat and humidity made itdifficult.

He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep. "Damnthis weather," he grumbles under his breath as he exhalesalmost in a meditative calm. The moonlight casts a pale glow over theroom as the curtains flutter in the breeze.

Suddenly, he hears a noise. He pulls his gun fromunder his pillow as he sees a tall, menacing form with a cowboy hatadorned with a glowing sapphire hatband, glowing blue eyes, and techarmor, slowly emerging from the shadows. He couldn't see Azrael'sface clearly, as his bearded visage was partly obscured by thedarkness. "Who's there? What do you want?" Demetriusdemanded.

Azrael slowly steps out of the shadows looking likehe was an apparition with his eyes glowing. "Forgive me fordisturbing your beauty rest, Demetrius Blackwell, but we have someunfinished business to attend to," Azrael calmly says.

"Who the hell are you? I've never seen youbefore," Demetrius questions aloud as he grabs the button toalert the nurse. Azrael shoots Demetrius with a sleep dart from hisbracer, causing him to fall into a deep slumber.

"Who I am, Mr. Blackwell, is irrelevant.But now, let's get you out of here before anyone else shows up,"Azrael says as he lifts his arm and shoots two tranquilizers fromhis bracers, rendering Blackwell unconscious. "Nighty night,"he says, grabbing Demetrius from the bed and throwing him over hisshoulder. He then jumps out of the window.

The Warrior of Elohim lands safely on his feet, six stories downat the base of the hospital, then disappears into the shadows of thenight. Across the street from the hospital stands the crown jewel ofthe city, the Areth Tower.

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