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In the heart of a secluded and eerie forest lies aplace that is said to be cursed by the shadows of the past. This grimforest is only rumored to exist among the bravest or most foolishsouls, as its entrance remains hidden and well-guarded by natureitself.

The forgotten forest is known to manifest itsmalevolence under the watchful gaze of a full red moon, which castsan unsettling crimson glow upon the desolate landscape.

The moon seems to hang closer to Adamah on suchnights, as if peering down with an ominous curiosity. Azrael venturesdeeper into the forest, hunting for the Witches of Areth.

The trees transform into gnarled and contortedforms, their branches resembling twisted, skeletal fingers reachingout to ensnare any intruders. The lifelessness of the trees casts anair of perpetual dusk, where daylight struggles to penetrate thecanopy, and shadows dance eerily along the forest floor. In the heartof this accursed forest, an open field emerges, bathed in the eerieglow of the red moon above.

In the center of the field, a haunting sightawaits: a massive pentagram etched into the earth, its lines drawnwith a dark and ancient power, near a white oak tree. The symbolsseem to pulse with malevolent energy, radiating an aura of ancientsecrets and forbidden knowledge.

Within the circle, a young man in his earlythirties is bound by hand and foot. "Let me go, you crazywenches! Who the hell are you people think you are?" he yells infrustration as he tries to break the leather bonds.

Six witches in hooded robes chant in their ancientlanguage around the summoning circle. Rowena, the High Priestess ofthe Owl coven, steps forward, a seductively attractive woman, andcasts a spell over the young man. "Hush, handsome," shesays.

The young man looks at Rowena, "Well, thisisn't how I imagined spending my evening with you!" saidthe young man.

"Time to sleep," Rowena says,putting him under a spell. The young man goes silent as she continuesher summoning. The witches chant in harmony like the old Irish Druidsband in the ancient days of myth and legends.

Peeking from behind the oak tree is Azrael, whohugs against it observing the ritual. "These people are outof their minds?" he mutters to himself.

Suddenly, the circle ignites with flames, and theyoung man screams as his body convulses. Azrael pulls out Brimstoneand speaks over it. "Aravat Eloheinu, you who call darknessinto light, give me the wisdom to destroy this abomination that isbefore my sight," he prays as he cocks his weapon.

A blue aura brightens from within Brimstone hisspirit gun, bringing it to life. The witches stop chanting as theyfeel Azrael's aura.

Rowena looks about, trying to pick up on theirunwanted guest's whereabouts. "I sense a holy presence. Wemust complete this ritual," she declares, darting her eyesat four young witches.

"You four quickly hunt this warrior down,consider this your intonation." she commands. The fourwitches vanish from the area and they reappear before Azrael. Heturns to meets them, pleased with their appearance. "Youknow, for a bunch of beautiful women, you make womanhood look bad,and I pity you," Azrael says with sarcasm.

The witches look at each other, as if he's out ofhis mind. Composing themselves, they cackle and ask, "Why doyou say such things?" the leader of the four questioned.

"Such beauty wasted away for selfishambition to serve the dark Ba'als? Therefore, I pity you becauseyou're going to wither and die, being deprived of not knowing thelikes of Y'shua, in stead your going to burn in hell for yourtransgressions against Aravat, unless you repent." he sayswith a light quip.

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