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Later thatfateful night...

A thunderstorm rages on over the Areth cemetery;it's shrouded in darkness, with only the occasional flicker oflightning illuminating the wet grounds. Rain pours down relentlessly,tombstones and mausoleums appear ghostly and eerie in the dim light.Gibbins stands before the two tombstones of Khan and Diana Phoenix;his raincoat clings to his body, he holds his umbrella solemnly,paying his respects to the deceased.

The wind whips around him, making the trees creakand groan. The sound of the rain hitting his umbrella is deafening.The cemetery is deserted, except for Gibbins and the ghosts of thedead. The silence is only broken by the occasional clap of thunder.The storm has transformed the peaceful resting place into a haunting,ominous place.

Gibbins bows his head, lost in thought. Heremembers the two people who lie beneath the stone slabs, the oneswho meant so much to him. He whispers a prayer, hoping that they havefound peace in death. "Aravat, you who knows the hearts ofmen, grant me justice for my loved ones, I ask in Y'shua's name."

He then wipes a tear from his eye. "Well,it's been a long year since you two have been gone. I am sorry thatthey still haven't brought your murderer to justice yet. I vow to youthat I will not rest until Demetrius Blackwell is dead or behind barsfor your blood," Gibbins responds with a spark of anger ashe feels the rage in his heart, clenching his fist.

"Oh, by the way, I am working on gettingevidence to bring in your murder. I wish you were here; this worldhas gone insane since you've been gone. I do miss you all too well.Well, I will stop by later, love you guys, shalom," Gibbinssays with a heavy heart.

A clap of thunder, followed by a sudden bolt oflightning, strikes Khan's grave, blowing Gibbins a few feet away fromthe tombstones. He lands hard, slowly gathering himself, dazed fromthe power of the electricity. "Did I do something to offendyou, Aravat?" he questions as he stands, his eyes fixed onKhan's grave, which shatters from the force of the lightning bolt.

Khan's resting place shimmers with an otherworldlyglow as the wind howls through the cemetery, swirling leaves anddebris around as Azrael climbs out of his grave. Gibbins' heart racesas he watches the resurrected Azrael, who was once Khan. Fear andconfusion grip Gibbins as he stumbles backward, his eyes wide withterror. "Oh hell, you're a Revenant, stay away from me foulcreature of hell."

Azrael, oblivious to his surroundings, continues tomutter praises to Aravat in Hebrew, his voice a deep, otherworldlyresonance. His eyes glow with an unnatural blue light; his presenceis intimidating, standing seven feet tall and built like abodybuilder. Gibbins, still backing away, keeps his gaze locked onAzrael.

His mind races, trying to make sense of thesupernatural spectacle before him. The term "Revenant"echoes in his mind, a word associated with vengeful spirits returningfrom the dead.

Desperation fills Gibbins' voice as he pleads, "Ididn't kill you! I had nothing to do with this! Please, go away!"His voice quivers, and his breath comes out in shallow, rapidgasps. The storm continues to rage around them, the lightning andthunder creating a chaotic backdrop to their eerie encounter.

Gibbins knows he must find a way to escape theapproaching figure, but he also fears what Azrael might do if hefeels threatened or misunderstood. Then the unexpected happens; theRevenant speaks out, taking Gibbins by surprise. "Gibbins,it's me, Khan. I am not an animated corpse seeking revenge on theliving, I promise you that," Azrael speaks over the storm.

Gibbins stands frozen in terror as Azrael, theWarrior of Elohim, takes slow, deliberate steps forward. The groundtrembles with each of his movements, and the crackling lightning thatsurrounds him serves as a chilling reminder of his immense power. Thestorm continues to rage around them, emphasizing the otherworldlynature of this confrontation.

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