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Afew hours later...

"GHOST R US" Headquarters, astudio warehouse with multiple floors filled with high-tech gadgets,gears, weapons of warfare, a mechanic shop, and scientific equipment.In one corner of the studio, there is an area designated as a home,complete with a fireplace, a couch, two chairs, a coffee table, andbookshelves with books.

This is where Gibbins works and lives. Azrael isnow clean and has covered himself with a blanket, sitting next to thefireplace, resembling a recovered amnesiac patient, lost in histhoughts from everything he had experienced.

Gibbins walks into view. "Why are you here?I mean, back from the dead? And is Diana...?" Gibbinscarefully asks.

Azrael's thoughts are interrupted from his Rip VanWinkle recounts. "Yes, my brother. Diana is in Paradise. Weare going to war against every Satan, every Devil, religious andpolitical lies of the nations, against every supernatural,paranormal, wicked entities in high places."

"I am the word of Y'shua; I am the sword ofAravat, and with the wisdom of Shekinah, I am back to fight the goodfight," Azrael declares, slowly and deliberately.

To Gibbins, his brother-in-law was Khan, all right,yet he was different, like a spiritual being at variance with thislife; like a phoenix refined from the ashes of its grave. Gibbinswalks out of the living room, then stops and leans over the doorwayto get Azrael's attention by clearing his throat. "Azrael,this is where you are to follow me," Gibbins quips.

Azrael stands and follows Gibbins, and they come tothe south wing of the building, where the professor pushes somebuttons on a keypad, allowing them to gain access to Gibbins'laboratory.

As you step into his backyard lab, you areimmediately surrounded by the clutter of high-tech equipment, tools,and gadgets. The walls are lined with charts, diagrams, andblueprints, each one covered in scribbles and notes.

Dozens of computer monitors are arranged in asemicircle, each displaying a different set of data or information. Alarge workbench dominates the center of the room, littered withwires, soldering irons, and other tools. Shelves are filled withboxes, each one labeled with an obscure acronym or technicalspecification.

There are oscilloscopes, multi meters, and otherspecialized instruments lining the walls. In one corner, a 3D printerhums away, slowly creating a new gadget or component. Despite thechaos and disarray, the lab is clearly a place of creativity andinnovation, where anything is possible with enough hard work anddedication.

Azrael looks around the lab in amazement, taking inthe high-tech equipment and cluttered workspace. "So this iswhere the magic happens, huh?" he quips, looking at Gibbins.

"More like where the headaches andsleepless nights happen," Gibbins retorts with a grin. "Butit's all worth it in the end when you see your creation come tolife," Gibbins says.

Azrael nods in agreement. "I know thatfeeling. It's like when I rise from the dead, feeling the kickback oflife," Azrael explains a part of his experience.

They both laugh, appreciating the similaritiesbetween their unconventional professions. "So are you stillteaching as a professor?" Azrael questions.

"Yes, I still teach, but I did manage toopen an Antique shop to exhibit my findings or sell them for a goodprice, and no they are no cured objects," Gibbins says witha smile.

"How is your political position thesedays?" Azrael asks, trying to catch up on the latest. "Well,after my debate with Governor Elizabeth, they sort of suspended me. Iam only called in when serious matters are brought forth. I stillhave my title of Deputy Mayor, so I use it for this work I do,"Gibbins explains.

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