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Two weeks later...

Gibbins is navigating the Dragonslayerwhile his computers in the back, are at work monitoring satellitedata readings. Azrael is riding his motorcycle alongside him. Theymake their way to a military outpost outside of Areth. Gibbins parksthe van behind some trees and bushes, switches on cloak mode, makingthe van invisible to its surroundings.

Azrael flips a switch, and his motorcycle goes intostealth mode. He comes to a complete stop at a cross-way, switches onhis radio receiver in his ear, and releases a drone to map out thefacilities.

Gibbins observes the monitors, which indicate aheat bloom and draw out a 3D structure of the underground facility."Okay. It's an underground facility. So much for theemployees' view. I do believe this is the underground base wherethey're playing god," Gibbins says. "Now I amgoing to test your theory,"Azrael says over the radioreceiver.

Azrael quietly rides to the military outpost andblends into the night as a military truck exits the facilityentrance. He passes through without being seen like the wind. "Iam in," he informs.

Gibbins sees a blip on his monitor as he makes hisway to the main facility. He adjusts a knob for a closer view,focusing on Azrael entering the facility road. "Okay, so farso good," Gibbins says.

"Next time I hide, you seek,""I'mnot the one with superpowers given by Elohim," Gibbinslaughs over the speakers as Azrael climbs off of his motorcycle andstealthily moves toward the facility. A guard comes out of one of thedoors, looking around.

He quickly disappears into the shadows, passes bythe soldier, and enters the facility, continuing down the hall, heducks behind a pillar, eyeing one of the guards on patrol. As soon asthe guard turns,he quickly snuck up from behind the guard, puts himinto a sleeper hold, and squeezes him unconscious, he then takes theguard's badge, swipes the electronic keypad, and stealthily entersthe next facility.

Azrael continues to use the shadows to hide fromthe physical world. His eyes are on another guard who is patrollinghis post. The guard's radio crackles."Alpha eight, report toHQ," says the voice over the radio.

"10-4, on my way," he responds.The guard heads for the hallway, walking past Azrael, unaware of hispresence, and opens the door with his electronic key before exiting.Azrael stealthily passes through the closing door, moves to anotherpillar, and hugs up against it.

The first guard inside the facility goes in anotherdirection. Azrael peeks his head out to see if the coast is clear andspots the main door. He turns on his 3D HUD from his bracer,scanning the area with an x-ray that shows the main entrance beyondthe door.

"Bingo," he says, turning offhis HUD. He attempts to advance through the main door whenanother guard enters the lobby, he calmly steps back and keeps hiseyes on the guard. The guard goes down the hallway, stops in front ofa vending machine next to the main door, and slips in some credits toget his snacks.

"I've got to get in there. Looks like I'vegotta take him down as well," Azrael says to himself. Hestealthily sneak up behind the guard, wraps his arms over his head,and safely knock shim out with a squeeze, he then picks the guard upover his shoulder and puts him into a storage closet, taking hissecurity key and locking him in.

Azrael moves to the main door, swiping the mainconsole. The light changes from red to green, unlocking as it buzzesopen, and he moves inside. He is now standing in a square room withinelevator. He pushes the button, and the doors open. He gets in, theelevator closes, and it descends. "This is definitely goingsomewhere, most likely to an underground facility," hethinks to himself.

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