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WhiteMountain Peak is an excellent winter resort destination, offering awide range of activities to suit all tastes and preferences. With itsstunning natural beauty and rugged mountain terrain, this resortattracts visitors from across the nation. One of the most popularactivities at White Mountain Peak during the winter season is skiing.

Thereare several ski resorts in the area, including Mammoth Mountain andJune Mountain Ski Resort, both of which offer excellent skiingopportunities for both beginners and experienced skiers. In additionto skiing, there are also many other winter activities to enjoy atWhite Mountain Peak.

Ice skating is a favorite among visitors, withseveral ice rinks available for use. Sleigh rides through thesnow-covered countryside are another popular option, as are horsebackriding excursions that offer spectacular views of the winterlandscape. For those looking for a more active experience, hiking isalso an option in the winter months.

The trails are less crowded than in the summer, andthe snow-covered mountains provide a unique and beautiful backdropfor a hike. After a long day of outdoor activities, visitors can warmup with some hot chocolate or other warm drinks at one of the manycozy cafes or restaurants in the area. And for those looking for alittle bit of nightlife, there are also several bars and clubs in thenearby towns and villages.

The sound of a snowmobile racing through the open,wintry terrain is audible as Khan zooms across the pine forest andarrives at Black Horse Ranch. A tall, slender man dressed in hisrancher's outfit adjusts his cowboy hat and approaches Khan, whodismounts from his snowmobile.

Khan shows his Law Enforcement Badge. "Afternoon,I am Khan Phoenix, BIA (Bureau of Native Affairs), a relic hunter.Are you Mr. Thomas? My office received a call early last weekregarding an artifact, or a fossil that you've found?" Khanasks.

"Good day, agent. Yes, I am Mr. EarlThomas, and yes, I did find something like a fossil,"replied the tall, lanky man as he shook Khan's hand. "Iusually don't get strange things popping up out of nowhere aroundthese parts, but this was too unusual to ignore, especially for thistime of season," explains Earl.

"You'd be surprised how often artifacts,trinkets, and fossils just pop up out of nowhere," Khanreplied with a quip. Earl then shows the bipedal fossil claw, withfossilized rings still attached to its fingers. "I imagineyou'd know more about this than I would, Mr. Khan?" Earlquestions.

"A claw with rings is a fascinating find.Where did you say you found this?" Khan asks, both doubtfuland curious. Earl points to the river behind his house. "BigHorn Creek, it cuts through here, especially on rainy days. Thewaters flow down from those hills and drop whatever it picks up onits way down," the horse rancher explains.

He beckons Khan to follow him to the shoreline ofthe river, which is still damp with fresh snow. "It was justsitting here like it was waiting for me to pick it up," heexplains. Khan looks at the river, his eyes following it up to thehills. "Mr. Thomas, how long do you think it would takesomebody like me to find out what's up there?" Khan asks.

Earl looks up at the hills, squinting his eyes."The distance up there at that high point is an hour, and theclimb takes about a half hour." Earl glances at the fossil,then back at Khan, and asks, "Is something like this of anyreal value?"

Khan takes a glance, "Frankly, there's notelling. Sometimes these things pay off, and sometimes they don't,but don't give up hope. I'm sure some museum or collector would payhandsomely for something like this. But I am here to confirm itsauthenticity," Khan explains.

"Yes, this might just be it... This winteris quite mild, but if you need anything, just give me a holler. It'sthe least I can do for your troubles," Earl offers.

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