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Later,on the rooftop of the Areth Towers, a steel door is kicked open.Azrael looks out over his surroundings and notices it's clear. Hedrags Demetrius out, and places him up against the wall, giving him aneedle in his arm that slowly wakes him from his unconscious statefrom his tranquilizer.

Hisbracer lights up, a "3D HUD" revealing two blips movinginto the area quickly. He glances at the groggy Demetrius. "You'rea sneaky one, Mr. Blackwell," he says.

Azrael turns his attention to the two soldiers whohave been following him from their first encounter back on thestreets. "I was wondering what happened to you two in ourlast
Azrael quips. They stand at the upper ledgeof the rooftop.

Azrael shuts off his "3D HUD". Allthree draw their weapons and leap into action. The trio battlesfiercely among each other in a mortal combat. The Warrior of Elohimgrabs one of the soldiers and drives his steel knee into the face;the soldier goes down.

Azrael spins around, grabbing the second one,lifting him over his head, and body slamming him down onto his back."Now stay down!" Azrael yells. The soldiers jumpback to their feet, as if immune to their injuries.

They adjust their bodies with snaps and crackles.Azrael is surprised at what he is seeing. "Now that ain'tnormal," he says aloud. Azrael clenches his fists, anddouble blade pops out protruding from his arm guards.

"Okay, now we just have to get dirty,"he says, eyeing his adversaries. The soldiers look at eachother,then back at Azrael as they leaped at him. Azrael plunges hisclaws into the soldiers, throwing them aside.

They bounce back and keep coming at himrelentlessly. Azrael gets the upper hand and lets loose, using hisKarve Magda techniques; taking down the soldiers one by one, bysnapping their necks and throwing them over the side of the building;he watches them splat at the bottom.

"Let's see if you wake up from that!"he says, fixing his
gaze on his prey as he retracts his blades.Demetrius is slowly awakening from his slumber. He's a bit groggyfrom the sleeping dart.

His eyes clear, and he sees a seven-foot giantstanding over him. "Where am I?" he asks. "Ontop of the world, or at least that's what you want people tobelieve," Azrael replies with sarcasm.

Demetrius looks intently at his captor, confused."Who the hell are you, and what am I doing up here? Why am Ibound to these ropes?" Demetrius demands to know.

"I brought you out of hiding so we can havea little chit-chat," Azrael answers casually. Demetriusappears discontent. Azrael sees the man for who he is. "Please,do forgive me, Mr. Blackwell, where are my manners?" herelents, loosening the ropes and standing before Blackwell, toweringover him.

"What you should be asking yourself is whydid Gwen, my girlfriend, drug my drink and put me into this ratherlengthy coma?" Azrael says with sarcasm.

"No, she wouldn't dare do that,"Demetrius protests in self-denial. "You must have pissed heroff, she hasn't seen you over a year, while you hid yourself in thehospital?" Azrael questions.

"Do you know who I am?" Demetriusasserts his authority. Azrael smiles, adjusting his hat whilelooking down at him, "I know who you are, and I don't give adamn. All I want is your cooperation in the wake of your confession.After all confession is good for the soul" Azrael statesfirmly.

Demetrius shakes his head and dismisses hisremark. "Let me go, and I will turn the other cheek, andyou'll never see me again," Demetrius musters all his powersof persuasion.

Azrael laughs. "Are you out of yourmind? We're just getting started, Mr. Blackwell," he says.

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