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Azraelwalked down the quiet streets of Kanza, taking in the calmness thatthe light rain had brought. The fresh scent of rain filled hisnostrils, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for the small momentof shalom that he was experiencing.

Thetraffic lights shone brightly, casting their colors onto the wetroads, illuminating the darkness of the night. Azrael couldn't helpbut feel drawn to the beauty of the moment, the contrast of thebright lights against the dark night sky.

He strolled along, lost in his thoughts, trying toshake off his encounter with the clones of the Chalkydri that hadleft him feeling uneasy. The drizzling rain was helping to clear hishead, and he felt the weight of the freaks of madness, slowlydissipating with each step he took. As he walked, he noticed thatthere was no one around.

The streets were empty, and the only sound was thegentle patter of raindrops on the pavement. It was as if the city hadbeen deserted, leaving him alone with his thoughts. But despite theemptiness of the streets, Azrael didn't feel alone.

The lights of the traffic signals seemed to beguiding him, and he felt a sense of comfort in their presence. Theywere a constant reminder that even in the midst of darkness anduncertainty, there was always a way forward. As he continued hiswalk, the rain continued to fall gently, and the traffic lightscontinued to shine brightly.

The narrow alleys branched off the main road likedark veins, winding through tight buildings that loomed above. Eachalleyway was a narrow canyon of bricks and shadows, with theoccasional dim light flickering in a window or from an oldstreetlamp.

The buildings' walls were so close that they seemedto close in around him, creating an almost claustrophobic atmosphere.The rainwater trickled down the sides of the buildings, creating tinystreams that merged into puddles at Azrael's feet.

In the stillness of the night, every sound seemedamplified--the distant hum of the city, the soft rustle of paper andtrash, the echo of his footsteps on the wet pavement. The air wasthick with the scent of damp stone and earth, mingling with the freshrain. The mystery of the night deepened as he ventured further intothe alleys, each step taking him deeper into the labyrinth of thecity.

Azrael felt a strange energy in these alleyways, asense of hidden stories and forgotten lives. The tight buildings,with their peeling paint and worn facades, seemed to whisper secretsfrom the past. The darkness held an air of intrigue, and Azraelcouldn't shake the feeling that he was not entirely alone.

Shadows danced at the edge of his vision, and theoccasional glint of light reflected off wet surfaces, creatingfleeting illusions. Despite the eerie atmosphere, there was a certainbeauty in the narrow alleys.

The play of light and shadow, the gentle rhythm ofthe rain, and the intricate architecture of the old buildings allcombined to create a scene that was both haunting and captivating.The Warrior of Elohim walked on, his mind a swirl of thoughts andimpressions, the mysterious night of Kanza wrapping around him like ashroud.

Above him, the sky transformed into a tableau ofominous beauty. The moon, eerie and blood-red, hung low in the sky,casting a surreal glow over the city. Its crimson hue seemed to pulsewith an unsettling energy, adding to the night's mysterious ambiance.Surrounding the moon, storm clouds gathered, their dark, roilingmasses moving with a malevolent grace.

Sudden peals of thunder echoed through the narrowalleyways, reverberating off the tightly packed buildings. Lightningsliced through the sky, illuminating the storm clouds with brief,electric flashes. Each bolt painted the scene in stark contrasts oflight and shadow, momentarily revealing the intricate details of theold brickwork and the shimmering reflections on the wet pavement.

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