Good friends

35 1 21

Ok before we start THIS GIRLYPOP NEEDS TO STOP😡 Katerpiller_ thought i was becoming famous ngl 😞 she was commenting on my recent chapter like 18372828283737 times😡

But anyways she also has stories on her characters in her account and they're really good so you should go ahead and read them but enjoy the story!^^

Oh I almost forgot!! There will be curse words, and some violence!
"WAAAAA!!! WHY IS IT COLDDDD!!!"-Norah said stomping her feet a bit. "How about later I'll buy you some food?"-Melody said to calm Norah down, Norah's eyes light up. "Really?! YAYYYY!!"-Norah said while hopping. Rayla was watching while laughing a bit, Ko was also looking. Then there was a crash, Ko and Rayla turned around to see what the sound was about. Melody and Norah din't  even react a bit at the sound which was off, Rayla seemed concerned while noticing that Melody and Norah dint even flinch. Rayla walked up to ko, "did you hear that?"-Rayla asked Ko. ko nodded while looking at the janitors room. Melody noticed Rayla and ko and got a bit confused, "hey Whatya guys looking at?"-Melody said. "Did you guys not hear that-"-ko said. "No? What was it? A ghost?! Eeeep!!"-Norah said getting a bit scared. "I don't think it was a ghost.."-Rayla said. "What did you guys even hear?"-Melody asked but suddenly a book smacked Melody in the back of the head, "WHAT THE HECK?!"-Melody said turning around. "Shut up. What are you guys looking at a ghost?"-Austin said. "Nothing."-Ko said. "Yea right. Anyways are you guys always late or what?"-Austin said. "We lost track of time and we could barely even eat."-Rayla said. "AND MY SANDWICH WAS COLDD!!"-Norah whined. "Well that sucks."-Austin said, "Where's Sora?"-Norah said looking around. "I honestly don't know?"-Austin said. "Oh well."-Ko said.(he's dead/J)

That was weird..did something fall from the janitors room..? Eh I'm not sure. Suddenly the bell rung. "Well I'm not being late like you suckers bye!"-Austin said, Melody grabbed Norah's hand and followed Austin. "Dummy we have the same class together."-Melody said smacking his head. All I could hear was yelling but I was paying attention more to what that mysterious sound was than them. Rayla tapped my shoulder, "come on! We don't wanna be late to jail time!" Rayla said being sarcastic. I nodded and followed along with her.

No ones POV
A snake sound was heard from the janitors room.

"Shhh..we almost got caught by some kids you gotta be more quiet you know till kunoichi tells us when to get out~"

Ko heard that. But she decided to ignore it and keep on walking..while Rayla and ko were walking Rayla looked at Ko and spoke. "Why do you think we were the only ones to hear it? I mean it coulnt have been our imagination since we both heard it."- Rayla said and ko took a moment to think. "Maybe the distance."-Ko said. Rayla shrugged and kept on walking. "Maybe."-Rayla said and they both arrived to class.

Norah, Melody, and Austin arrived to class. The atmosphere felt quite weird though, the students were acting strangely and were whispering to each other the entire class time. Norah was busy drawing to even notice but Austin and melody did indeed notice. It was getting quite annoying on the way how everyone seemed to know something but none of them knew a thing. While Norah was drawing a paper ball hit her head. "Wah!" Norah said while grabbing the paper ball and un crumbling it. She knew the note wasn't for her but curiosity got her and couldn't help to read. Norah then remembered. She can't read. Norah sighed before poking melody, melody's seat was right next to hers. Melody turned her head a bit confused. "Heyy.! Can you read this for me?"-Norah whispered giving her the paper to melody. "Alright?" Melody whispered back while opening the paper.


hey bestie! Did you get the message?! I heard the whole school is keeping an eye on it! Every student got the message but nothing has happened yet from what I'm hearing..if you din't get the message it was about how some group was targe-

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