Trouble is rising

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Hiii! Welcome to another chapter of Slayerama!! This chapter will contain curse words, violence,  weapons, mentions of nudity, maybe some grammar errors and errors on information. Enjoy this chapter and I hope you have a great day!!
It was a very fresh and breezy morning, it was about 9 am and it was very quiet in the city. Especially because power is still out on the whole city, it seemed like it was going to rain so not a single soul was out.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THE REPORTS WERE DELETED FROM THE POLICE RECORDS!?" Austin said. "Woah, woah! Calm down! It's already bad enough so don't make it worse!!!" Rayla said. "I know! But that was our only chance to actually get proof that those people are pestering us and might even put our life in danger!" Austin said. "I know, but for now we can't do anything..I'm going to find a way to fix this alright? Don't worry." Amber said, Ko sighed looking back at them.

"There's no way we're gonna beat them, they obviously want something and aren't gonna give up till they get it." Ko said, "Yeah but what is that 'something'? What? do they want nude pic?" Melody said but Austin then hit her on the head.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Melody said,



Not a single word was heard from Austin and melody.

"Woah where did you buy their mute button? Would love to buy one." Ko said, "I'll tell you later pookie, anyways! Wait, where Sora? Wasn't he apart of this?" Rayla said, "oh yeah he went with the others to the mall cause he said 'he couldn't betray Norah and leave her to go to the mall alone without no one to eat with' or whatever shit he said." Austin said sitting down on the couch. "Okay..anyways! We need to find out a plan!! There is NO WAY. I'm going to just sleep peacefully knowing that there's a potential assassin group that kills people for a living targeting us!!" Rayla said.

"Actually there's also some cannibalism in that group and they have been wanted by over 15 years." Ko said.

Everyone stayed quiet looking at Ko.

"THAT DOESNT HELP IF YOU DIDN'T REALIZE MA'AM." Austin said. "It's better to not know." Ko said. "Oh well that's great! A group of trained assassins are coming to kill us and there's also cannibalism in the group meaning that we have more chance to get eaten alive that's just great!" Melody said sarcastically, "enough now, we just need to find a way to make some sort of evidence for the police to get involved." Ko said looking up trying to think. "We can't do that! That's just gonna put us in more danger!" Amber called out. "Excuse me but I think that bringing the police in this situation WOULD HELP US?" Austin said and Rayla gave him a dirty look. "Okay don't yell at her and second of all, Amber might be right. I mean wouldn't they be like watching us right now?" Rayla said, "and that means that they're gonna know our plan before we even do it so it's not gonna be worth it?" Melody said. "Yep! You caught on!" Rayla said smiling, "but then what can we do. If we don't do anything everyone's gonna come out injured, do we fight them or what?" Austin said. "No they would beat us in a matter of a minute." Ko said, Amber took a deep breath while closing her eyes to think.

Ambers thought's
This is bad, this is really are we supposed to beat them if we don't even know their plan..? Getting police involved in this won't work..but fighting won't work either...then what could we do to stop them..? I can't think!! If I don't come up with a solution then we're done for! Come on think!

Everyone was quiet thinking till Amber stood up out of the nowhere. "Got it!!" Amber yelled out, everyone looked at her in surprise by her sudden change in mood. "Did you get an idea?" Rayla said. "I did!! What if we try outsmarting them? I mean there's only two of them and we're 6! We can be smarter than them!" Amber said, "okay that's a start but then how do we outsmart them?" Ko said. "Ah." Amber said completely quiet, she sat back down without a word out of her mouth. "I didn't think of that part..." Amber said quietly, her face was red due to embarrassment. Rayla just laughed at bit by her expression. "Don't worry about it though, I'm sure we can think of something now that we have a start. Right?" Austin said. "I got something that might help, those two guys arrive in scheduled times. Seems like killers need a break too. I hear their footsteps and breathing outside at 4 am till 8 am then they leave, then they come back at 2 Pm till 6 Pm. And finally they come back at 10 Pm till 12 pm." Ko said, "Sometimes it scares me to think how much you hear.." Austin said, Melody grinned a bit by hearing that and Austin gave her a side eye. "Don't tell me you thought that the wrong way—"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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