Bad encounter

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Warning! This chapter will have curse words, mentions of SH, burn scars and violence! Fruitiness???? lmao but anywayyysssss have a good time reading and get a snackkk!
It was a hot morning and Norah and Sora were whining because of how hot it was. "WERE NOT GONNA SURVIVEEEEE...!"-Norah said kicking her feet a bit. "I KNOW RIGHTT..! ITS TOO HOTTTT..!"-Sora said. "I called the landlord and he said that the electricity has gone out in the whole city..! We're not the only ones who are hot!"-Sage said on the couch. "The thing that sucks is that there's no internet."-Ko said next to Rayla. "Maybe you two can touch grass since the powers off."-Austin said. "You can't be talking look at yourself."-Rayla said. "You two need it the most."-Austin said. "When did the landlord say that this problem was going to be fixed again?"-Melody said walking out of her room. "Umm! He said it doesn't depend on him since it's for the whole city but he said that it might last a whole month?"-Amber said next to sage. "A whole month..."-Rayla said. "WERE GONNA DIEEE!! NOW THE ICE CREAMS ARE GOING TO BE MELTEDDDDD!!"-Sora said. "I thought those were expired.."-Austin said dumbfounded. Both Norah and Sora stayed quiet for a few seconds. "They're still food!!"-Norah said. "It's sometimes scary what you guys would for food..."-Austin said. Ko stood up of the couch, "I'm gonna go put something else being in a hoody is going to give me a fucking heat stroke."-Ko said going into her room. "I gotta agree with her I'm changing too."-Rayla said standing up and going to melodys room. "Bruh this is going to be the most boring month I swear.."-Austin said. "Twilight sparkle you should have the power of friendship and find something fun to do!"-Melody said. "Melody if you were someone that wasn't my friend I would actually kill you."-Austin said. "Awwww! You called me your friend!!"-Melody said.

Ko got out of her room after changing, she had some shorts and a training bra on. Rayla got out of melody's room at the same time and noticed something on Ko's arm. Ko was about to walk out to the living room again but Rayla grabbed her arm pulling her back to the hallway . "Fuc- damn you didn't have to grab me like that."-Ko said looking at Rayla, ko noticed Rayla looked concerned and was looking at Ko's arm.

This is awkward. I don't really have nothing to hide anymore but I haven't really had short sleeves on any of my shirts so I don't think she's ever seen the scars. "Hey i hope you don't mind me asking you don't have to answer if you don't want to Ko but what are these?" Rayla said looking at my arm. Again, I don't have anything to hide eh can say the truth. "Oh those, i used to hurt myself but I can promise you I stopped don't worry." I said, Rayla looked a bit relieved I said the truth. I looked at her arms for a second, I'm not the only one who used to do self harm as what I can see. "How about you? How did those get there." I said, I don't mind if she lies I can wait till she gets comfortable telling me or someone else the truth but I hope she does tell me the truth. "Oh! Same reason as you..! Don't worry though I don't do it anymore too.!" Rayla said. Thank god she said the truth.

No ones POV
Ko and Rayla walked into the living room and austin and melody were fighting again for the millionth time. "I SWEAR TO FUCKI-"-Austin said but someone threw a pillow at him. "Who the fuck."-Austin said looking around but no one was around except for Rayla and ko who were not even close to the couch. Amber laughed a bit, "did you do it."-Austin said. "Not me! Someone who wanted to join!"-Amber said. Austin was thinking for a few seconds before realizing, "oh that woman."-Austin said while their was laughing echoing. "Yep Ayumu!"-Amber said. "I swear."-Austin said. "Wait where the heck is sora and Norah."-Rayla said. "I think they're with sage!"-Amber said. "Alright!"-Rayla said.

Austin's POV
It's hot as fuck and either people are being emo in this house or sleeping. I'm about to go leave and take a walk outside because of how boring this is. Eh I guess I will.

No ones POV
Austin stood up and went to go grab his shoes, the second he stood in front of the entrance someone wanted to be noisy, "hey where you going?"-Melody said behind him. "I'm just going on a walk I'm bored."-Austin said. "Ooo okay I'm coming with you!"-Melody said also putting her shoes on. "You don't have to you know."-Austin said. "Nope! Don't want a random person kidnapping you!"-Melody said. "Not like it's going to happen to me but okay I guess you can come."-Austin said. Rayla was sitting on the couch and saw them both, "hey you two! Where you guys going?"-Rayla said. "On a walk."-Austin said. "Really?! Ok we're going!"-Rayla said. "Wait who's 'we'."-Ko said. "Us!"-Rayla said grabbing Ko's arm and pulling her up. "I was only planning to go alone..."-Austin said. "That doesn't matter it's the power of friendship!"-Melody said. "Ok now let's go!"-Rayla said.

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