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Stop right there! 🚨👮‍♀️Before we start let me give you the warnings! There will be curse words and violence! If you don't mind any of those then go ahead and grab a snack and start reading^^
Austin was about to go his way with sora before Melody and Norah stopped him. "Hey twilight! How about you guys come over? I'm sure Amber and Sage wouldn't mind!"-Melody said, "just because you fucking called me twilight sparkled I'm not going."-Austin said, "WAIT PLEASEEEEE!!! I ALSO WANT TO HANG OUT WITH SORAAAA!!"-Norah said tugging on Austin's shirt so they don't leave. "Me and ko are probably going to go play Zelda so we wouldn't mind either! Right Ko? "-Rayla said and Ko nodded. "Austin pleaseeeeee!!!"-Sora said. Austin sighed, "fine but if you call me that one more time I'm leaving."-Austin said. "No promises<3!"-Melody said. "Ok..can we go home now I wanna play Zelda."-Ko said. "Yea let's go!"-Norah said. While Austin was yelling at melody someone bumped into Austin and Austin fell. "AH WHAT THE F-"-Austin said. "Ah~ my apologies~ let me help you up~" a boy said with a mask and a cap covering his face, the boy reached his hand out to Austin. "Uh thank you I guess.."-Austin said, the boy helped him up and left without a word. "That was weird.."-Rayla said, "did we all get that unsettling feeling with that dude?"-Melody said. "Yea. He seemed a bit familiar but I'm not sure."-Ko said looking behind her for a second. "Who did he looked like to you?"-Rayla asked. "I'm not sure he just seemed familiar."-Ko said while shrugging. "That's weird.."-Austin said. "What ever let's just go home."-Ko said.

Ko's POV
Who the heck was that dude? It looked like he did it on purpose. Eh I don't think it mattered he's gone anyway. Maybe I'll call oneesann and amber ask them about this later.

No ones POV
They finally got to the apartment and Rayla crouched down to the rug and got the keys, but when Rayla went to open the door the door was already unlocked. "Huh? Hey Ko come here.."Rayla said and Ko walked next to Rayla, the others were busy talking and Norah and Sora were already planning to go to the convenience store for food. "Is something wrong?"-Ko asked tilting her head a bit. "When I went to go open the door it was already open..did we forget to lock it?"-Rayla asked. "No. Before I left the house I locked the door, maybe Sage and Amber are in there."-Ko said. "Maybe.."-Rayla said while opening the door, the house was empty. No one was there, "YAYYY WERE HOME!!!"-Both Norah and Sora said and they both ran to Norah and Ko's room to go play. "Those two act like little babies.."-Austin said sitting on a beanbag. "Yeah but we can't do anything about it."-Melody said throwing a pillow at Austin and sitting on the couch. "Well Sora and Norah might need to go to sages room to go play later since me and Rayla are gonna play Zelda, it won't be a problem since Sage and Amber are probably in their dorm."-Ko said. "One question. Last night I woke up and I don't see Rayla, I saw a light coming from Norah and Ko's room. Were you guys not sleeping or what."-Melody said. "Not surprising."-Austin said. "Uh. Ask Rayla."-Ko said going to the cabinet to grab cup noodles. "Hey Rayla you going to answer my question?"-Melody said looking over to Rayla, Rayla seemed to be lost in thought and she seemed worried.

Rayla's POV

My thoughts are all revolving on how the door was unlocked..if Ko locked it when we left and Sage and Amber aren't here then there shouldn't be no reason why the door would be I just being paranoid..? Did someone break inside here..? Are they still in here..? Ko seemed calm but I can't get the thought that someone might've entered here and are still in here..

No ones POV
"I think she's in Jupiter, HEY EMO WAKE UP!"-Austin said throwing a pillow at Rayla's head. "Dam I'm lucky I wasn't the one who zoned out."-Ko said sitting in the table eating noodles. "Ow! What was that for!"-Rayla said. "Austin..hit her one more time we're starting war."-Melody said. "I dare you."-Austin said. Ko sighed while blowing on the noodles for them to get a bit cold, "one of these days I will. Call animal service in you two."-Ko said. "WOW SO RUDEEEEEE!!"-Melody said leaning of Rayla making a dramatic pose. "It's true."-Ko said. "Ooo can you make me some Ko?!"-Rayla said. "Alright."-Ko said, going back to the cabinet to grab another cup noodle. "Hey Ray, what were you thinking about earlier? You seemed worried.."-Melody said, "oh that..don't worry about it i was just being paranoid I'll be fine!"-Rayla said and Melody later into Rayla's lap. "Can you guys stop making feel everyone in here single."-Austin said. "Imagine twilight sparkles having no bitches."-Melody said. "YOU- IM GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS!!!"-Austin said standing up and starting to hit melody in a playful way. "WERE STARTING WAR NOW!!"-Melody said grabbing a pillow. "I really can't tell a difference between you two and two dogs.."-Ko said. "How I wish I could punch you right now."-Austin said, "I dare you."-Ko said calmly. "Hey Ko, how about we go and play Zelda now?"-Rayla said. "Perfect timing."-Ko said, "Come on!"-Rayla said standing up, Ko got the two cups of noodles and walked towards Rayla giving her one of the cup of noodles. "Thanks!"-Rayla said.

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