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This is a special chapter for you guys! This will not affect the lore in any way AND this chapter is in a different timeline so let's say a year back in April 8 2019! this chapter will have curse words! Oh by the way this chapter will be shorter than usual!
Amber and sage were at the grocery store trying to find some of the eclipse glasses for sale! It was April 7 2019 and the eclipse was going to be tomorrow! Everybody was going crazy to find the glasses. Sage was looking around the isle and amber was on the other isle trying to find a couple. "Have you found anything?"-Sage said on the other isle and amber was going through every shelf. "Sadly, no!"-Amber said. "Where the heck do they put them? One of the staff told us they would be a couple on one of these two isles!"-Sage said. "Maybe they're hiding somewhere, let's keep on looking for a few minutes and then maybe we can go to another store!"-Amber said. "Alrighty!"-Sage said, after a few minutes sage managed to found them, it was 5 pairs which was really good! "Amber! I found some!"-Sage said. "Really?!"-Amber said walking to where Sage was. "Yeah!! I found five pairs!"-Sage said. "That's great! Now we can go back and tomorrow we can see the solar eclipse!"-Amber said. "Yep let's go! Ko is going to be so happy!"-Sage said, "A lot of people will be excited from home!"-Amber said.

Back in the apartment.
It was a normal morning and it was pretty quiet. Ko and Rayla were playing Zelda, Norah was playing dolls with Sora, Austin was being emo.(lmao) And melody was dead asleep. "hey Ko! Sage and Amber haven't visited in a few days already now, why do you think that?"-Rayla said. "I think they're probably busy doing something. Not sure though."-Ko said. "I want sage and amber to come back! I want them to play dolls with me and Sora!"-Norah said. "Chill it's only been a few days."-Austin said. There was a sound of keys of door and the door burst open, "WAHH!!"-Both Sora and Norah said. "GOOD NEWS!!"-Sage said. "Onisann we were just talking about you."-Ko said. "Yeah we were!"-Rayla said standing up and hugging Amber, "Sorry we haven't visited in a few days now! We were trying to find something these last couple of days!"-Amber said. "What were you guys buying?"-Austin asked, "Oh we got them right here!"-Sage said showing a bag and taking something out of it, it was some sort of glasses and their was 5 of them. "Ooooo what are these?"-Rayla said. "They're those glasses for the eclipse! We know a lot of you guys were excited for this so we went on to look for it!"-Amber said. "WAHHH REALLY?! THOSE ARE SO COOL!!!"-Sora said. "Really? Thank you, you two."-Ko said. Norah and Sora rushed to sage and amber to look at the glasses, "wait how many did you say there was?"-Austin said standing up. "Five why?"-Sage said. "There's nine of us here...DIBS ON ONE!!"-Austin said. "WAIT NOOO DIBS!"-Norah said. "ME TOO! ME TOO!"-Sora said. "I dibs for two!"-Rayla said. "WAIT THATS NOT FAIR YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE."-Austin said. "I'm taking two for me and Ko dummy."-Rayla said looking at Ko who was zoned out, Rayla tapped on her shoulder, "oh. What are we talking about?"-Ko said, Rayla sighed before laughing a bit. "There's only five of those glasses so we're taking one and I'm taking two for the both of us!"-Rayla said. "Oh thank you."-Ko said. "Wait!! But melody needs one!! I don't want her to be left out!!"-Norah said, "We don't care."-Austin said, "who said 'we'?"-Rayla said. "You don't count."-Austin said, "I'm going to hit you with my bat and take your glasses." Someone said from behind Austin. "OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK!"-Austin said crouching down quickly to grab a pillow and hitting the person behind him. "OW GOD DAMMIT!"-Melody said falling dead.(not actually) "k.o."-Ko said. "I can't tell if you're spelling your name or saying that one game when someone wins."-Austin said. "You're going to be the next one dead in this apartment."-Ko said. "WAAAA MELODYY!!"-Norah said crouching down. "AUSTIN YOU KILLED MELODY!!"-Sora said, "WHAT?! NO I DID NOT!!"-Austin said, "YES YOU DID!! I DON'T WANT YOU GO TO JAIL!!"-Sora said. "How about instead of going to jail we dispose the body."-Ko said, "Ko Kotoho what."-Sage said, "just saying."-Ko said. "No ko you're not killing me wife."-Rayla said, "Okay that's enough fruitiness."-Austin said. "Maybe look at yourself? No offense!"-Amber said. "You..never mind."-Austin said. Amber then get a tap in her shoulder and looked behind her, it looked like someone was talking to her and Sage noticed. "Hey Amber you talking to Ayumu?"-Sage said. "Oh yes! She said she wants the glasses too for tomorrow!"-Amber said laughing a bit. "I see! Hmm, how about we take turns tomorrow?"-Sage said. "That's actually smarter than a certain twilight sparkle calling dibs."-Melody said, Norah turned her head to Melody and jumped. "WAHHH MELODY'S SOUL CAME TO HAUNT US!!!"-Norah said jumping on Ko. "Get off of me."-Ko said. "What?! I'm not dead!!"-Melody said. "Damn I actually took Ko's idea into consideration."-Austin said. "We're about to fight right here and then."-Melody said. "No fighting!"-Amber said. "Alright alright, Then tomorrow when the solar eclipse or whatever it's called comes we take turns?"-Austin said. "Yep!"-Rayla said. "Why can't we look at it without glasses?"-Sora said. "Oh Sora's righttt!"-Norah said. "You're gonna be blinded."-Austin said. "WHATTT!! I DONT WANNA BE BLINDDD!!"-Both Sora and Norah said. "Then it's best to not look at it!"-Rayla said. "Ok I'm going back to sleep!"-Melody said.

The next day it was 2:50, 10 more minutes before the solar eclipse! Norah but in the glasses just to see and gasped. "Wahhh! I can't see!"-Norah said walking. "Yeah you won't be able to see nothing but the sun and the moon!"-Amber said. While Norah was falling Sora also had the glasses on and wasn't able to see and they both fell. "AHHH!"-Sora said. "WAHH!"-Norah said rubbing her forehead. "Are you two okay?!"-Amber said crouching down to them. "They literally combined foreheads."-Austin said. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!"-Amber said a bit startled. "I was walking slowly so I don't think you heard me."-Austin said. "Oh alright! Where's the others?"-Amber asked. "Sage and the others are right now walking over here."-Austin said. "Ok!"-Amber said. Melody then ran behind Austin and hit him, "YOU BITCH!!"-Austin said chasing after Melody and they were both running around in circles. Sage was with ko and Rayla and they arrived, "Alright! How about youngest to oldest when taking turns?"-Sage said. Both Sora and Norah gasped, "SORA WERE GOING TO BE FIRST!!"-Norah said. "YAYYY!"-Sora said. "Me and Ko are next!"-Rayla said. Sage looked at her phone and noticed there was one minute till the solar eclipse happened. "Alright! You guys out on your glasses! Remember to not take it off!"-Sage said. "yayy!"-Norah said. Both Sora and Norah put the glasses on while looking up. "WAHHH I SEE IT!!"-Norah said. "IT LOOKS SO MAGICALLLL!"-Sora said. Ko and Rayla grabbed the other two glasses putting them on, they then looked up and they both looked amazed. "Woahhhh!"-Rayla said, "that looked really nice."-Ko said.(emo ahhh) "Damn i knew it was going to get dark but not this dark!"-Austin said. "Maybe you can unleash your inner unicorn and make light for us."-Melody said. "You know what I'm just going to ignore you."-Austin said. A few minutes later Norah, Sora, Rayla, and ko were still looking. "Ok times up our turn!!"-Melody said. "Awww.."-Norah said taking the glasses off but was still looking up for a split second but Sage put her hand in Norah's eye. "Be careful!!"-Sage said. "Sorry!!"-Norah said. "It's alright just remember to not look up again!"-Sage said. "Close call!"-Melody said, Both Ko and Rayla took of their glasses while looking down at the floor. "Alrighty! You guys turn!!"-Rayla said handing the glasses to Amber, "thank you!"-Amber said. Ko gave the glasses to Sage, Norah to Melody, and Sora to Austin. "It looks so cool!!"-Sage said. Amber looked amazed, "it sure does!"-Amber said. "It is pretty nice-Melody if you make a my little pony reference I'm killing you know the spot."-Austin said and melody started laughing. "Aww it was my plan since yesterday!"-Melody said. Amber and Sage laughed a bit, "what are we gonna do with you two."-Amber said.

The rest of the day they spent in the grassfields in a small picnic.

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