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   Welcome back to another chapterrrr!!! Erm sorry for the delay for a whole month...anyways!This chapter will have curse words, violence, and mentions of cannibalism! Enjoy!!

  Sora, Ko, Austin, Rayla, And Melody were walking to the police station to report what had happened. Especially to Austin.. "YOU GUYS HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT HAPPENEDDDD!!! DID AUSTIN MAKE OUT WITH A KILLER AND THEN GOT A MARK!?"-Sora said. "WHAT NO IM THE FUCKING VICTIM HERE!!!"-Austin said. "Well we can't do much about it, the police will deal with it."-Melody said. "Police aren't gonna do shit."-Ko said. "She is right on that one."-Rayla said laughing a bit. "We ATLEAST need to report it so we can have a case for it or however it's called."-Austin said, "wouldn't we need a guardian to do that? -Melody said. "I think she's right?"-Sora said. "That would mean that we need to call Amber or Sage, both if necessary."-Rayla said. "I think it's best if we don't get anyone else involved."-Ko said, "but why! Their older! They are gonna do the work much better than us!"-Sora said, "Sora is litterally the dumbest in this whole group. But, I gotta agree with him."-Austin said. "Is that a compliment or a insult..."-Sora said. "Don't worry about it-"-Melody said. "What do you say Ko? It seems you know much more information than what we do."-Rayla said. "That's only cause I recognized someone I used to know. I don't know anything other than how dangerous they are."-Ko said. "So mind explaining who they are?"-Austin said, "well. I was curious of what happened at school so I did some research, I found that there was some rumors about a assassin group called Chiyo. They apparently are a really dangerous group that kills people for a living, The two boys had a brooch in their clothes. That's one of the dress codes for the group chiyo. I recognized one person for the reason that I knew them in the past, the boy with green hair I don't know much about him. I know that he always is next to the boy with red hair, they're a duo at killing. From what i researched their mask symbols yin and yang, did you notice the mask? They had a small symbol to that. That's pretty much it."-Ko said. Everyone was quiet for a few seconds, "I've never seen you Yap so much in the years I've known you.."-Rayla said. Ko just stared at Rayla and shrugged, "Wait so does that mean that we're in danger..?! ARE WE GONNA DIE!?"-Sora said. "We're not gonna die! But no seriously we need amber or sage in this."-Austin said. "Rayla."-Ko said. "Yes?"-Rayla said looking back at ko. "Call amber and tell her what happened."-Ko said. "Oh! Okay!"-Rayla said pulling her phone out. "From what I learned right now is that there's a group of killers and one of them harassed Austin..."-Sora said. "Shut up!!!"-Austin said hitting Soras head. "OWIE!!!"-Sora said. "Anyways, hurry up on the phone Rayla!"-Austin said. "Wait goddamit!"-Rayla said.

"No fighting!"-Amber said through the phone.

"My bad!"-Rayla said.

10 minutes later Amber arrived, "I'm here!"-Amber said. "Finally.."-Austin said. "Alrighty! Why did you guys need me- uh...Austin..? Is it alright if I ask something..? Did you do something with someone..-"-Amber said. "No I did not!!!"-Austin said, Melody just started laughing. "Melody I'm about to beat your ass..."-Austin said. "Enough of you two fruits! Anyways, sis. So something happened when we went to the park, some dudes attacked us and from the information Ko gave us those dudes are pretty dangerous..we wanted to file a report to the police but we need a adult for it since we are minors..."-Rayla said. "Yeah! And one of the scary guys bit Austin!"-Sora said. Melody laughed a bit, "he probably liked it-"-Melody said but she got hit. "CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP ABOUT THAT ALREADY!?"-Austin said. Amber laughed a little, "Well that sounds pretty bad..Alright you guys shall we go then? You all seem pretty startled so filing the report I'm guessing might make you guys feel better am I not right?"-Amber said with an angelic face, all of them seemed a little more relaxed. "How do you and Sage do that.."-Austin said. "Bro that's adult magic or something.."-Melody said.  "What..?"-Amber said. "Don't worry about!"-Sora said. "Anyways..."-Ko said looking at Rayla, "huh?"-Rayla said looking back. "Oh! Anyways! Sis can we go to the police station now?"-Rayla said. "Did you guys just talk by looking at eachother..?"-Sora said. "Bunch of weirdos.."-Austin said. "Anyways let's go!"-Melody said hitting Austin's head. "I swear..."-Austin said. "No fighting you two! Let's have peace!"-Amber said. "Ko said that you guys are stupid."-Rayla said. "She didn't even speak..."-Austin said. "That doesn't matter!"-Rayla said. "Can we go already!! I wanna go hang out with Norah!!"-Sora said.

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