A "normal" morning

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Warning! This story has cursed words! If you do not like reading curse words in your stories then I advice you to not to read! But if you stayed thank you and enjoy reading!^^

No ones POV
It was 6 Am in the morning, it was a breezy morning with a cloudy sky. ko had just woken up. It was another usual and boring day of school, ko got up and got changed. She had a blue  skirt, a simple grey shirt and a dark brown sweater in top. She also had her choker that she wore every single day.

Ko's POV
Hello. My name is Ko kotoho, the youngest of the kotoho family. I'm sixteen and i live in an apartment with my best friends and siblings, there hasn't been anything new in my life for a while now so there can't be anything bad coming my way or any of my friends I'm sure.

No ones POV
Amber had just woken up a few minutes after ko. Amber stretched and went to go get ready, she had a white shirt with a green cardigan on top, she had some simple pants on.

Ambers POV
Hello! My names Amber Akiyama! I am the eldest daughter of the Akiyama siblings! I am 19 years old and I live in this apartment with my sister and best friends! It hasn't been bad these last couple of years! So I'm sure it'll stay like that!

No ones POV
Ko walked into the kitchen seeing her older sister, Sage. Sage turned around and smiled at Ko, "good morning little sister! I was about to go and wake the others up you mind taking control with the kitchen while I do that?" Sage said while ruffling Ko's hair and smiling softly, Ko held Sage's hand and put it down so she can stop ruffling her hair. Ko simply nodded and went into the kitchen while Sage left into a hallway, ko made some sandwiches and put them on the table. Amber came out of her room, "good morning Ko!"-Amber said while Ko waved. Amber noticed the sandwiches, "Oooo thank you Ko! I could've made something for myself but thank you!"-Amber said taking the first bite.
"You're welcome."-Ko said before sitting down, "Last night I noticed you weren't sleeping cause a light in your room was on and there was movement. May I ask what you were doing?"-Ko asked. "Oh! Sorry if I bothered your sleep! I was just reading a book!"-Amber said before Rayla came out of her room. "Good morning.."-Rayla said yawning. "Hey sis you've been literally re-reading that book so many times that I can't even count how many times you've read it you know that?"-Rayla said laughing a bit. "I know I have been rereading the book a million times by now but it's just so interesting that at this point I got attached to it" Amber said laughing. "That's interesting."-Ko said. Someone then clinged onto Rayla like a little baby, "good morning Mel Mel,"-Rayla said while then ruffled Melody's hair. "Morning!"-Melody said. "You two look so good together!"-amber said laughing. Before Melody or Rayla could respond to what Amber said there was a small sound, that sounded like someone took a photo, Rayla and Melody turned around and its was a really short girl with her phone. "This will be a great reference pose for my couple drawings!"-Norah said laughing while putting her phone in her pocket. "Ooooo! Send me the picture of the drawing when your done with it!"-Amber said laughing. "Wait what!!"-melody said blushing and trying to grab Norah's phone, "NOOOOOO I NEED IT FOR MY DRAWINGS MELODYYY!!!"-Norah said running behind Ko, "calm down.."-ko said. "Sorry! But this picture is too precious to not be used!"-Norah said. "Fine fine I'll let you be for now..."-Melody said sitting down. "Norah sit down and eat we're gonna be late if we don't hurry up!"-sage said coming back to the kitchen. Norah nodded sitting down and looking into her plate but her sandwich was gone! "Hey!! Who took my precious food!!!"-Norah said looking around. Rayla went to the kitchen and poured some coffee on her cup, "Not me."-Rayla said. "Not me neither!"-Melody said. There was small giggling echoing throughout the house, Amber looked around and smiled. "I think I know it is!"-Amber said, Norah quickly turned around to Amber. "Who?!"-Norah said. "The giggling. It's Ayumu!"-Amber said laughing a bit. "Hey!!! But I want my food!!"-Norah said looking around for any hints of where Ayumu is. "She'll probably give it back to you anytime soon."-ko said before looking at the ceiling. Sage noticed and tapped on Ko's shoulder, "little sister! What are you looking at?"-Sage asked. Ko looked at Sage and took one bite out of her sandwich, "it's nothing don't worry."-ko said.

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