Chapter 2

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                                 June 21st 2014
First day of summer, a good summer.
The rest of the summer we are staying at the Hughes lake house in Michigan. My kinda summer, but I hate the car ride. We went last summer and it was the best summer I have had, me and Jack just turned 13.we went to the movies just us,didn't want a big party.
I hate this drive,we took separate cars it's annoying. 7 hours without him.
We left super early this morning so we could be here by the afternoon.
When I got out of the car I jumped out in excitement and ran to the door, we were family now I didn't have to knock.
As soon as I opened the door I slipped off my slides and went to the back step running right past Ellen and Jim in the kitchen. I had heard them outside in the pool,but when I got out there nobody was here.
"Hello?" All of the sudden I feel arms around me and then water, it all happened so fast.
I finally swam up and saw Jack.
"Jack my phone was in my pocket" I scream and his face went blank.
"I'm just kidding I left it on the counter" we both start laughing and we ended up swimming for 2 hours.
The sun was setting, sitting at the end of the dock with my feet in the water, it was warm enough I was in a tank top, but I had sweatpants on just rolled up past my ankles.
I felt a presence behind.
"Hi jack" I didn't have to turn around I knew it was him by the vanilla scent,"how did you know"
"Almost 6 years" I say as he sits down next me.
We sit in silence for 20 minutes.
I start to get goosebumps, because of the wind off the lake and my arm was super close to jacks,barely touching. He noticed my goosebumps and took off his hoodie and handed it to me. All I could do is smile,he looks at me.
His hair blowing back a little bit because of the small wind. "Movie night" he asks, he knows I would never pass it up so we hop up and walk back to the house,the parents were out tonight and sterling was babysitting sort of she had her boyfriend up in her room,Quinn and Luke just played video games but they decided to join us. We sat in the family room in the basement where all the kids rooms were, 2 rooms had 2 beds and 2 rooms had 1, it originally started off me and sterling in a room,Jack and Beckett in a room and Luke and Quinn in a room, until the office was moved upstairs and made into a bedroom when me and sterling started getting in bigger arguments,giving me my own room, and then Beckett and Luke switched but Beckett was pissed because he was second oldest and didn't have his own room so I got moved in with Luke and Jack and Quinn shared, then the office was back downstairs and sterling was upstairs. It's a lot I know. I have no idea what the plan is for this summer, I just want to enjoy it. We watched tangled and I was on the couch with Jack on my left Quinn on my right and Beckett next to Jack and Luke next to Quinn. The couch got smaller as we got older,now we are pretty squeezed onto one couch.
We finished the movie and I fell asleep, so when I woke up I was on last dibs for beds, beck and sterling had there rooms still, both doors were open so I peak my head into Quinn's room and Luke is on the other bed so I walk down to the other side of the basement grabbing my bag on the way and laying in the bed opposite to Jack who was sound asleep. I practically knocked out when I hit the pillow.
I wake up and Jack is gone, Quinn's playing video games in the living and I wonder upstairs to see sterling yelling at Luke for what seems like to be nothing.
"Sterling shut up!" I say walking past her and into the kitchen.
"Not my fault the little brat took a pancake before they were served!"
"Seriously! That's what you're fighting about!"
Me and Luke retreat to the back deck, Jack and beck are playing basketball.
"Oh my god" Luke says looking at me, I turn my head away from watching the other boys.
"What's your problem"
"You like him!" He says a little louder than he should.
"you like J"- I cut him off putting my hand over his mouth.
"Even if it is just a little crush Luke don't say it! I'm just seeing if it will blow over"
"Fine,but don't let him hurt you, Like lead you on and drop you"
"Deal" we shake on it.
The parents took my dad to the Michigan hospital for his treatment, turns out the heart problems were cancer but it was very very minor.
Later that day I found my self laying on the hammock with Quinn just talking laying opposite to each other. Beck drove Sterling up to the beach  like 5 minutes ago so he won't be back for an hour.
"Hey I'm gonna get a Gatorade want anything?" He asks louder because luke is  in the pool and jack was sitting on the edge of the pool.
"Mango Gatorade" I say
"Same!" Luke and Jack yell.
Quinn didn't realize that since he got off the hammock that the weight was off Center and my side was heavier now, boom there I go.
I do a full turn falling off hitting my head on the grass but it hurt Like hell, the grass was dry because there was no rain and there was more ground the soft dirt under.
I let out a yell as I reach for my face and I saw blood on my hand thinking it was just my nose, Luke is under water and Quinn was already inside so I Look at Jack for help because my foot was tied in the hammock.
His jaw drops when he sees me immediately he comes running.
"Crap crap crap, QUINN!" He yells and he comes outside.
"What- holy shit what happened" he says running inside for a towel.
"It's just a nose bleed you guys are dramatic"
Quinn came running out with a towel and placed it under my head.
"What's happening?" I ask because they are taking it a lot more serious then a nose bleed, I felt dizzy.
"Stella your head is bleeding" Jack says with fear.
I reach for my forehead and feel more blood, they try and help me stand up but I immediately fell into Jack, he caught me.
"Ok, I'm gonna pick you up and take you inside" Quinn says, he is a good brother when beck isn't around, usually only because Quinn's friends are all in Toronto and beck has some around here so Quinn is around more.
They lay me on the floor in the big bathroom with a thick folded towel under my head trying to get bandages.
"Stella stay awake!" Jack says while tapping me.
Now he was serious, I'm only stel to him. If he says Stella, I will be awake for the rest of my life.
I hear beck come running through the door.
"Stella!" He yells.
"Over here" Quinn yells.
"The car is running I'm going to go grab her a shirt put her in the car!"
I only had a bathing suit on, a navy blue one peice. Quinn picked me up again and carried me to the car, watching Jack scramble around trying to open all the doors and move anything out of the way was funny. Beck came out of the truck with shirts for me and Jack because Jack was fresh out the pool, we got in the truck and Quinn made Jack stay with Luke, it killed me.
I think I see him different than a brother, Luke was right. I was crushing, hard.

Always been you - J.HughesWhere stories live. Discover now