Chapter 13:Encounters and Ice Cream

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Meera's pov

I couldn't believe that now i am in 10th class. As I basked in the relief of completing my 9th-grade exams,the reality of entering vacation mode sunk in. Scoring 84% felt like an achievement, one that I'd worked tirelessly for. I sat with my parents, discussing my results, and while they praised my efforts, I couldn't shake the feeling that I could do even better. Their encouragement fueled my determination to strive for improvement, and I made a silent promise to myself to aim higher in the future.

As Preeti and I sat in her room, basking in the glow of our exam results, a sense of pride washed over me. Preeti's achievement of 80% and Rani's impressive score of 85% filled me with admiration for my friends' dedication and hard work. We shared stories of our exam preparations, laughing at the challenges we faced and the late-night study sessions we endured together. But amidst the laughter, a solemn realization dawned upon us - we were now seniors, with board exams looming on the horizon. The weight of responsibility settled upon our shoulders, but we faced it with determination, knowing that we would tackle this new chapter of our academic journey together, just as we had done before.

Meera: "Hey Preeti, did you hear? Rani scored 85% in the exams!"

Preeti: "Oh, that's impressive! But you know what's even more impressive? I managed to keep my eyes open during the entire history exam!"

Meera: *laughs* "Wow, that's a feat worthy of recognition! I think you deserve a medal for that."

Preeti: "I know, right? Forget gold, silver, or bronze - I'm aiming for the 'Eyes Wide Open' award!"

Meera: "Well, I think Rani deserves an award too. She's probably been practicing her victory dance all night!"

Preeti: "Oh, definitely! I can already see her perfecting the 'I aced my exams' twirl in front of the mirror."

Meera: "And you, Preeti? What's your victory celebration plan?"

Preeti: "Hmm, maybe a grand parade in my honor? Complete with confetti cannons and a marching band!"

Meera: *chuckles* "Well, don't forget to invite me. I'll bring the popcorn!"

Preeti: "Deal! Now, let's toast to our triumphs with some leftover exam stress and a side of laughter!"

We decided to call Rani and we all started to talk.

Meera: "Can you believe it? We're finally seniors! It's like we've been promoted to the elite league of academia!"

Preeti: "Oh, I know, right? Soon we'll be strutting around with our books like we own the place, demanding respect from the juniors!"

Rani: "And don't forget the dramatic hallway walks, with our backpacks slung over one shoulder like we're in a movie montage!"

Meera: *laughing* "Absolutely! We'll have to practice our 'senior swag' before school starts!"

Preeti: "Oh, and let's not forget the solemn nods we'll give each other in the corridors, like we're passing on ancient wisdom."

Rani: "Yes, yes! And the exaggerated sighs whenever a junior asks for directions to the library - 'Ah, to be young and clueless again!'"

Meera: "We'll be the kings and queens of the school kingdom, ruling with fairness and humor!"

Preeti: "Oh, and snacks! We mustn't forget our royal decree: all seniors are entitled to extra snacks during break time!"

Rani: "Ah, yes! The snack sovereignty shall be ours to wield!"

Together: *bursting into laughter*


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