Chapter 23: His Birthday

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I really didn't want to go to school today

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I really didn't want to go to school today. It's his birthday, and I'm almost sure he won't come. He never comes to school on his birthday; I don't know why, but I just feel he won't be there today.

What will I do without him?

The idea of facing the school day without him was disheartening; he was the one who made the long hours and endless classes bearable, the one who brought laughter and lightness to even the dullest days. Without him, the school just seemed like a hollow, echoing space.

I mulled over the possibility of skipping school. Could I feign illness? The thought of claiming I had a fever crossed my mind, but it was immediately dismissed. My mom, ever the attentive caregiver, would surely check my temperature and see right through the lie.

I need to think, Meera, think! Maybe I could say I have period cramps? No, that won't work either; my period just ended a few days ago and Mum keeps track of those dates.

I glanced over at Preeti, who was lying in my bed, scrolling through her phone. She isn't going to school because she has viral fever. Lucky her, I thought enviously. Outside, the September weather can't seem to make up its mind— it looks like it might rain, and then suddenly, it's sunny again.

Today marked his 16th birthday—the 10th of September. It was hard to believe that the boy who had been a constant in my school life, the one who turned everyday moments into memories, was turning 16. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as an affectionate thought crossed my mind, "My little boy is growing up."

My, huh? My mind likes to tease me, I guess.

With a heavy heart, I shook off the lingering thoughts and forced myself to get ready. I slipped into my school dress, each movement slow, reluctant. Today, more than ever, I felt the weight of his absence, making the prospect of school seem more daunting than it had ever been. But deep down, I knew avoiding school wasn't the solution. I had to go, to face the day, even if it meant enduring it without his bright presence.


I walked into the school grounds that morning, a palpable sense of loneliness enveloped me. Today was his birthday, and deep down, I was convinced he wouldn't be attending school. Resigned to spending the day without him, I kept my eyes fixed forward and walked straight to my classroom, avoiding any detours that might delay the inevitable solitude of my day.

Upon entering the classroom, I noticed Rani was already there. We exchanged brief pleasantries and some small talk as I placed my bag down. It was a superficial distraction, yet I clung to it, hoping to stave off the dull ache of missing him.

Shortly thereafter, the bell rang for assembly, and all the students began to file out of their classrooms in an orderly manner. We lined up by class and gender, with the girls on one side and the boys on the other. I found myself in the middle of the line for 10th B girls, with 10th A boys on my left and 10th B boys on my right. The school captain was strict today, her voice sharp as she instructed us to straighten our lines and pay full attention.

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