14. Welcome home, Frances

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The next day:
I woke up in 12pm and went to living room. I just wanted to call Steven. I went to phone and dialed his phone number.

,,Hello?" he said.

,,Hi Steven...It's me, Annie." I said.

,,Oh.. Hey Annie. What do you need?"

,,I just want you to know that I'm going to be a mom." I said happily.

,,Wow! Really? That's amazing! Congrats! Have you already confirmed from the doctor?" he asked.

,,No, but today we'll go to the hospital to confirm it for us."

,,That's amazing? Can I tell it to guys?" he asked me.

,,Yeah. You can. They'd find out one day anyway."

,,Okay. Thanks for letting me know. Bye!" he hung up the phone.

I did some ham and eggs for my and Kurt's breakfast. We ate it and then we went to the hospital. They confirmed my pregnancy and we could go home.
We did nothing. We just chose the room for that baby and then we went to the shop for some things for the baby.

9 months later:
Nothing more changed in those nine months. Just that we had a wedding. It was pretty quick but I enjoyed it. My band broke up again because of my pregnancy and because they live in L.A. but I wanna live in Seattle. So I decided that when I give a birth to a child in my belly, I will embark on solo career.

I woke up in my bed with Kurt laying beside me. I wanted to get up but I noticed that bed is wet. Hell no! I started waking up Kurt.

,,What's going on, babe?" he said sleepily.

,,The water broke. We have to go to the hospital!" I said and he quickly got up from bed and started changing his clothes. I did the same.

When we got to the hospital, they put me in the delivery room. They said that the baby should come soon.

One hour later:
Now I'm giving birth. I'm trying to push but it hurts. Kurt's holding my hand and supporting me.
The baby finally came out. It's a girl. They showed her to me and then they washed her and dressed her. Then they gave her to me.

,,Wow... She's beautiful. What do you want her name to be?" I looked at Kurt.

,,Frances Bean." he answered.

,,Beautiful name," I kissed him. ,,Wanna hold her?" I asked and he just nodded. I gave her to him.

After two days we went home.
Kurt unlocked the door and we entered in.

,,Welcome home, Frances." I said.

Hello guys! Sorry for so short chapter but I have no idea how to continue with this story. And I wanna end it soon because I wanna start some new story. I think that this story will have a maximum of five chapters. No more..

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