16. Rehab

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Annie's pov - 5 days later:
Today's Kurt's funeral. I cried every day and because I was crying so Frances was crying too. On funeral I invited Krist, Dave, Kurt's sister Kimberly, Steven was there too. And some our friends. It wasn't a big funeral. Of course, the whole world already knows about Kurt's death. It's everywhere in newspapers, magazines and even on TV. They also mentioned me somewhere. For example, the headline in the local newspaper here in Seattle is: "Kurt Cobain is dead! How is his wife Annie Cobain coping? And what will it mean for his daughter? Will she grow up without her father or will Annie find someone new?''

It's just so annoying...
Now we have a feast. I'm standing at the table and someone went to me.

,,Hi." it was Dave.

,,Hi Dave." I smiled at him.

,,Condolences.." he said saldy.

,,Thanks.." I answered.

,,How long is Steven staying here?" he asked me.

,,He's leaving today," I said. ,,He wanted to stay longer, but the band wants him in L.A. so he have to leave today."

,,Want me to be with you?" Dave asked.

,,If you don't mind, it'll be fine." I smiled.

,,I don't mind." he smiled back.

After the feast I went back home. I put Frances to the bed and went to living room. I turned on the TV.

,,Want some beer?" Dave asked me from kitchen.

,,Yes, please." I answered.

,,Here." he gave me a beer.

,,Thanks." I opened the can and took a sip.

,,You still do heroin?" Dave asked me.

,,Yeah. But I should stop." I answered.

,,Yes, you should." he just said.

,,I don't wanna turn out like Kurt. And I have daughter. When he's older and sees me taking heroin, he'll think it's normal. It's not normal. I don't want her to be addicted to heroin or any other drug. You know.."

,,I understand." he said.

,,But I can't stop it myself. I've been doing heroin for three years now. I'll probably sign up for some rehab. But who will take care of Frances?"

,,I will." Dave looked at me.

,,What? You think you can take of Frances?"

,,Yeah. You just have to show me how to do what. For example what to do when she's crying, how feed her, how to change her diaper and stuff. You know.." Dave said.

,,Okay." I stared at him.

We stared on each other for another minute and then he kissed me. We kissed for a while and then we broke away.

,,Ummm, I think I'll call Steven. He was on rehab because of heroin too." I got up and went to the phone.

,,Hello?" Steven said.

,,Hey Steven. Can you give me the phone number on that rehab?" I asked.

,,Yeah sure. It's in Ohio."

,,Don't you know about some rehab in Seattle?" I asked.

,,My old friend works in some Seattle rehab. Okay. I can tell you his phone number and you can call him." he said and then he told me his phone number.

,,Thanks Stevie. Bye!" I smiled.

,,You're welcome. Bye!" he said and hung up the phone.

I dialed that number on Steven's friend. He told me that I have to be there tomorrow at 10am.

,,Okay, Dave. I'll show you how you should take care of Frances." I said to him.

I showed how to take care of my daughter and then I packed my things for rehab.

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