Chapter 31: An Unexpected Guest

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Hey besties, hope you're doing good and had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. Days are getting warmer now, at least for those in the northern hemisphere and I'm here for it! 🌸

Though I'd never refuse a cuddly autumn mood, wherever you are, I hope you have nice weather and get some Vitamin D— speaking of "Vitamin D"— mild content warning for this chapter ‼️ 🚨

The days were dragging along, and there was no new mission from Blake, not even Fibib came to visit and I was left alone with my running mind. I was pretty sure that it was one of Blake's tactics to put me down for acting out.
Blake had me in the palm of his hand, even if I never would've admitted it. No matter how much of a threat for anyone's life I could be, a word of his and I had to act like a puppet.

I wasn't even sure why I didn't just kill him, mutilate him and dispose the rests of his body. He surely deserved it. I thought a lot about my friends at Hogwarts. Did they start wondering where the both of Sebastian and I were? Did they think we ran off together? Killed each other? The most likely thing was that I was officially in a ministry internship, just as it's been set up over weeks.

At least I was sure of it, according to the fact that Blake mentioned it multiple times and even took me to London, sending me back to Black's office with that little letter, I wasn't allowed to read. I wondered if Professor Hecat suspected something, she seemed to be suspiciously aware of a lot of things, yet she held back information and was always very vague in her sayings.
I knew she was close with Professor Sharp and I couldn't help but feel that they might be talking about my disappearance. They surely were one of those people to see through Black's shit.

I also came to the conclusion that Elena probably didn't know shit about anything. It felt like she was nothing but a pawn to Blake, despite her being his own flesh and blood. Knowing how many mind games Blake enjoyed to play and how much of a bastard Adrien was, I actually believed that she would've been different, if her life circumstances were any different from what they had been. I thought a lot about Mrs. Powell, the fact that she died and Mr. Hill's suspicions of Blake being somewhat involved in her demise.

It probably was due to the isolation and me slowly getting crazy, but I assumed that all Elena did seek were love and validation, which made her appear more human in my eyes, but I would never be able to forgive her tormenting Sebastian and making our lives more difficult for her own personal gain. I just knew that if she would've been honest with Sebastian from the beginning, he would've tried to help her. It was just the way he was, even if he could be the sassiest, bitchiest and most unstable motherfucker I knew— he had his heart in the right place.

I groaned and let myself fall onto my bed. The last days have been so dull, and I missed the person I was two weeks ago. A normal student at Hogwarts— at least to a certain extent. I missed classes, hell I even missed Professor Binns, because after all he was the one securing my daily nap time for 2 times a week. After staring at the ceiling through the posts of my bed, I got up again, putting on a jacket— the castle was cold as fuck— and left my room, motivated to go find Fibib.

I was starting to feel worried about her, because the last time I saw her in Blake's presence he wasn't quite keen on how friendly Fibib and I were acting towards each other. As usual there were guards posted in front of my room, not daring to even look at me, their gaze immediately turned away from me and in a sense it filled me with pride. In the past I never made the efforts to go and search through the castle, because I didn't felt much patience for anything at all lately. It was always only a matter of minutes after I lost it and started cursing at everything and everyone around me and went back to my room, most likely lighting myself a cigarette I snatched from one of the side tables the guards had wherever they were standing. They didn't say anything, too scared that I might crush them like a spider, if they even breathed in my direction— the outcomes of my missions were a hot topic amongst Blake's private soldiers.

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