Chapter 34: Downfall

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Hello besties!!! 🫶🏼

I'll be so fucking real and just say it. I have procrastinated. I have procrastinated, because we've reached a point where it'll get serious and I'm fucking scared 🤡

This is the moment I was scared of, the whole time.
And I felt like I had to be in the right headspace for it, because the good times are over now. 🥲

I'm also a cheating whore, because I've been mapping out another Fanfic, but it won't be shared on this account, since it's linked to a TikTok account I am creating for.
And it's not set in the time period of HL, that's another point, but it's still HP universe though, Golden Era 🤭

But I haven't started to write yet, I'll start once this one is finished, I won't abandon this story. Even if it feels like it, because damn, after I uploaded the last chapter I told a friend that I uploaded two chapters in a week again and that I'm proud that I've formed somewhat of an upload schedule... yeah, let's forget about that 😭💀

Anyway, let's dive in.

With a swift movement of my wand I hid my face behind a mask, watching Sebastian as he did the same.
It could go into any direction from now on, and I was desperately pleading that there won't be any kids in the house.
That was the last thing I wanted to add to my list— traumatising children.

I took a deep breath, almost able to feel Sebastian's worried stare behind his mask burning into my retina. The way he spoke and just his way of thinking in general seemed to have taken a turn since he got locked up.

While I was like a wild animal, unpredictable in my actions, not putting too much thought into things and only aiming for success of my plans— he's gotten... more careful. Truly considerate about his surroundings. While he became the man everyone always expected him to be, I was slowly turning into Blake. At least it felt like it.

But maybe that was just my typical way of handling myself. There wasn't a variety of moments where I was truly free of guilt and simply happy. Was I happy last year, when I went with Natty, taking down Harlow? Yes.
Did I feel bad for risking Natty's life? Definitely.

The same went for Poppy, as much as it made my heart swell and the relief washing over me when we were abled to find the Golden Snidgets— I also felt incredibly bad, bringing her in danger.
It wasn't a rare occasion that I had to help my friends out with a Wiggenweld and that alone proved to me, that it was in fact too dangerous for them.

My mind went back to Sebastian's suicide mission, running straight into a Goblin Camp, not thinking about possible consequences, but of results instead. The Sebastian I was sneaking through the bushes with right now, both of us covered with a Desillusionment charm; he would never act this mindless. Quite the opposite.

We slowly crept towards one of a the side doors, and before I could even think about which spell I wanted to use on the guard, who was reading in a book, a red bolt shot into his chest and he sunk to the ground.

"Incacerus," Sebastian mumbled, tying the man up before putting the handkerchief that was in my mouth into the mouth of the guard in order to muffle any sounds.

"You could've used Langlock, just saying," I whispered.

"And what if he's a mouth breather?" He retorted. "I don't plan to be responsible for another death, you know?"

I tapped my wand onto the poor guy to conceal his body, while in the distance green lights of Unforgivables were flickering. The other guards weren't as lucky as he was.

We entered the house, trying to navigate through the halls, and I lifted the Disillusionment Charm, I wasn't bothered at that point. While I was focussed to find our target, Sebastian couldn't help but eavesdrop at each bloody door, trying to figure out whether there was a child inside or not.

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