Chapter 35: You're not alone

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Hey, it's me again 🤭

I've been super busy with my private life, had a few things to work on, therefore no time to write 🥲

Hope everyone has been well!

Btw I really hated the last chapter, I hope you can forgive me for this mess, wtf was this? It was like a car accident, don't know what went wrong with me.

It can only get better from here— at least I hope so 🤡

"No, it's been too long now. I know her, she might've been a little bit... off lately, but she'd never stay away for this long without writing one bloody letter."

"I know, and I've already told you that I'm with you, we're all with you, but how many times do you want to ask Black? He won't have a change of heart all of a sudden, you know that."

"Well, unlike you, Gaunt, I don't give up on my friends simply because they have a different opinion or make decisions I'm not fond of," Imelda scoffed back, "and besides, this isn't only about Sebastian and Delilah, this is also about Anne, in case that would actually convince you."

It's been one of these days again, one of the days like so many have been like lately. The familiarity of each other's presence that built up  between Ominis and Imelda over the time when Delilah wasn't on talking terms with the rest of the group, slowly turned into a form of discomfort, the missing of their friends clearly testing the new found friendship.

It wasn't that he didn't care, but he didn't know what to do anymore, and that was a rare case for Ominis Gaunt. He felt like he was failing his friends, his only real brother, because for the first time, he couldn't come in clutch with an idea that would save the day.

"I don't make any favourites, don't be ridiculous now, Imelda," Ominis groaned, slowly getting agitated by Imelda's confrontal attitude. He stalked up and down the dimly lit viaduct bridge, his mind rattling once again. Unsuccessfully, once again.

"I'm just worried and I feel terrible, living my normal life, not knowing where my best friend is, not knowing what she's doing, while the Daily Prophet is full of disturbing news. It's worse than last year with the goblins, you do realise that, right?!" Imelda scoffed, leaning against the railing of the bridge.

The moonlight and torches casted flickering shadows over their faces as they stood again in silence, the tension between them thick like often before.

Ominis let out a heavy sigh, his eyes closed, determined to let all of his unease flow out with that long sigh.

"I do, Imelda. And I know that in one way or another my family is playing their own part in this... spectacle, but I don't have any ties to them left. My cousin doesn't reply to me anymore, I guess my family finally realised that his tongue was rather loose."

"Perfect, just fucking perfect," Imelda let out a frustrated huff and crossed her arms, "You know, if you weren't too busy with your girlfriend, maybe you—"

"Leave Poppy out of it, Imelda. You're frustrated, but I think you know that it has nothing to do with her, you're just trying to find something or someone to hold accountable for the situation," Ominis interrupted her and she put her hands up in defence.

"I know, I know. I just feel stupid, we keep talking about the same stuff every single day, I feel like I'm going insane. In the past I went out to fly whenever I wasn't feeling too well, but now? Hell, I haven't been flying in weeks because I can't stop thinking about my fly or die," Imelda sighed and sank down the railing, resting on the floor, "I feel awful, Ominis. And I feel like I'm the only one realising it, it seems like everyone keeps coming up with excuses why we can't do anything about it, but I know that if it was one of us, she would've done everything in her power to save us. She would've found a way. And Sebastian too. Say what you want about him, but the lengths he'd go for someone he loves?"

Longing for you   //  Sebastian Sallow x Female MCWhere stories live. Discover now