Surprise Party • JJ Maybank

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"Happy birthday, beautiful." A husky voice whispered in your ear.

You then felt soft kisses being planted on the side of your face.

You smiled and turned around to see JJ Maybank, your boyfriend, lying there beside you.

"Thank you, baby." You thanked.

"I made you some breakfast." He smirked.

"You know how to cook?" She raised her eyebrows.

"No he doesn't, I made it." A voice called from outside of the door.

It was Pope.

"Go away, Pope, stop being weird and eavesdropping!" JJ called.

"Creep!" You added.

Pope grumbled then walked away from the door.

"Come on, let's go eat."


The two of you got up and went to the kitchen where the other pogues were.

You guys were at your house since your parents were away. You were a kook, but you didn't really consider yourself a kook. You were a pogue at heart.

Once you got to the kitchen, you saw balloons tied to a chair with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon waiting for you.

You grinned. "Guys, you didn't have to do all this."

"It was mainly JJ." John B nodded.

"No, it wasn't! You guys give me no credit." Pope exclaimed.

"Cheer up, Pope, it's a party day." Kiara said.

Pope rolled his eyes and you went over to the seat where your breakfast was.

"Thank you guys, this means a lot." You smiled.

"'Course, girl. Dig in." Kiara smiled back.

During breakfast, you and your four friends just talked and laughed.

By the end of breakfast, there was a knock on the front door in which John B went to answer.

He then walked into the room with Sarah who had a small giftbag in her hand.

Sarah had been dating John B for a while now and she became part of the group. You were always likes with Sarah, you were even friends before she joined the pogues.

"This is for you, birthday girl." Sarah smiled and handed you a bag.

"Sa, you didn't have to get me anything." You said.

"It's nothing special." She replied as you began opening. "Just that highlight you wanted at Sephora when we went to Charlestown."

"Ugh, thanks, you're the best." You smiled and hugged her.

"Aw, anytime, babes." She hugged back.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get dressed for the day. I'll see you guys in a bit."

They all nodded then you went up to your room to get ready.

"Okay, so JB, you're in charge of the keg, Sarah and Kie you're in charge of the invites, and Pope your job is to first, stop being a party pooper, and second keep Y/N distracted. Papa JJ needs to make sure everything is perfect for the party." JJ explained. "You only turn 19 once."

"I'm not a party pooper." Pope grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"And also stop calling yourself Papa JJ." Kie scolded.

"Yeah, it's weird, bro." John B added.

"Mhm." Sarah agreed.

"Whatever. Everyone, go, go, go!" JJ exclaimed. "I should get a megaphone, actually."

"You don't need to do that, you're already loud enough." Pope commented and went upstairs.

The others went to go do what they had to and Pope went to distract Y/N.

After a day of Pope distracting you, it was finally time for the party.

Pope took you home that night after making you do random things on the boat all day and boy were you surprised.

There were a bunch of people partying in front of your house.

"Pope, what's going on?" You questioned.

"Uhh, let's go inside and see." He replied.

He took you inside and there was a banner hanging at the entrance.

"Surrpise!" Everyone yelled as they saw you come in.

"What?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

JJ walked over to you.

"JJ, what is this?" You asked.

"A birthday party. For you. Cause it's your birthday. Is it not obvious?" He raised his eyebrows.

"No, I'm aware of that now, but why?"

"Because I love you and wanted to throw the best party ever for the best girl ever."

You smiled. "Thank you, JJ. This is amazing."

"Of course, baby. Happy birthday."

The two of you then shared a kiss and went to party.

in honor of my birthday coming up in six days (whoohoo nasty nineteen) i decided to write this.

lea <3

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