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Since Raul's party , Nicole and Raul have been talking a lot. The truth was that back in the day they had a crush on each other. But, they were each too invested in their friends lives to even notice or admit to it. But, Raul just genuinely missed them. He truly was happy to have seen them at the award show and that they came to his  party. Raul had invited out Nicole for some coffee which is where they were right now.

" How's Emilia?" He asked

" She's ok , you know Benito pretending to not know her has been eating her alive. Also the fact that he has a girlfriend. How long have they been dating anyways ?" Nicole asked.

" two years." He answered.

" does he love her ?" She asked eager.

" He will never love someone the way he loves Emilia. He thinks he's over her but , I know he's not. But , he is happy with Becky so." Raul answered truthfully.

" Emilia has never stopped thinking about him. She says breaking up with him is her biggest regret. She can't picture herself with anyone else. She wanted to talk to him but , now there's no point." Nicole explained.

" yea for now it's best she keeps her feelings to herself as much as it sucks. I know it's been torture seeing him too." He said as the girl nodded.

Emilia needed to keep her feelings to herself out of respect for Benito's relationship and because Benito never told Becky.

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" donde estabas?" Emilia asked Nicole as she arrived back home.

" With Raul." She simply stated.

" and what happened ?" Emilia asked eager to know any details.

" Nothing we were just catching up , we mainly spoke about you and Benito." Nicole said

" What do you mean ? He better keep his mouth shut about any info you may have given him." The best replied freaking out a bit.

" he won't." Nicole assured her.

" Did you find out anything ?" Emilia asked curious.

Nicole informed her that he's been with Becky for two years. Mojabi ghost is in fact about her and was written awhile ago. Emilia is the muse behind most of his songs. Also that he never answered for obvious reasons and because he did not want to talk to her.

" oh they also went to see your performance at the club , Benito was the one who knew." Nicole added.

" what ? So he's just watching me ?" Emilia asked in disbelief.

Nicole shrugged as she didn't know the answer to that. No one knew what were Benito's intentions or plans for the near future.

" where were you?" Benito asked as Raul entered putting his keys down.

" estaba con Nicole." He stated as he sat down.

" y Emilia?" Benito asked

" nah she had things to take care of." His best friend answered.

" Did you find out anything ?" The Puerto Rican asked curious.

Raul shook his head no " Nah"

" Do you know why she called me ?" He asked

" Nope" Raúl answered.

Raúl knew everything but he promised Nicole he wouldn't say a word. Benito wasn't believing his best friend just this once but, he was going to let it be. He had other things to focus on anyway.

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