His first (ch-2)✨end

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3rd person pov:

"I'm sorry. This is so embarassing."

The mood was ruined. There was no use denying it.

"Don't be sorry" jungkook lay next to him and wrapped him in his arms. "Shhh, it's okay."

"I can't...d-do it..." Tae whispered the last word. A pause,then jungkook laughed. "Is that what you're worried about tae? I know it takes you longer. It's okay we can wait." This time the Pause was more prolonged.

Taehyung frowned. Great. He was going to be virgin for the rest of his life.

"Look on the bright side". Jungkook kissed his forehead."you'll have me,Jeon jungkook,at your full disposal. I'm basically your willing sex slave. No other girl or boy can say that."

"They better not"taehyung bit his lip. "What if it's me? What if there's something wrong with me?"

Old fear resurfaced, threatening to down his in their turbulent waters.

"There is nothing wrong with you". Jungkook's gaze turned fierce. "You're perfect."
"No one's perfect".
"You're. To me."
Taehyung buried his face in jungkook's chest, afraid he'd see how jungkook's his words affected him. He could feel his heart beating,a steady thump -thump that forced those old fears to retreat.

"I was thinking about how lucky I am to have met you"Tae whispered. Jungkook's eyes darkened to sapphires. "We're here because we're meant to be here".

He kissed him,a long , slow kiss that built in heat and passion until tae couldn't take it any longer. Their bodies moved together,skin against skin,and he cried out for jungkook, craving that final connection.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook panted. Tae could feel him against his stomach,hot and hard.
The ache intensified.
"Yes." He was  going to die if he didn't do it. Die of fiery, exquisite torture. "I have condoms in my drawer." He said when he saw the look on his face.

That was good enough. Tae Heard his drawer open and close, followed by the sound of tearing foil. Jungkook returned, holding and kissing and caressing him until he growled and raked his nails down jungkook's back in impatience.

Every inch of tae's body was on fire, consumed by flames of desire. All he could think about was jungkook being inside him.

Then finally, wondrously,he was. He entered him in one fluid stroke, sheathing himself to the hilt. Taehyung arched into him with a gasp of pain and pleasure.

Jungkook stilled "are you ok".
"Yes." He gripped his arms."keep going."

Taehyung set his jaw as jungkook moved again. Jungkook's initial thrusts were slow ,but he was so large it took tae a while to adjust. Eventually, his mussels relaxed and pain subsided, replaced with a sensation so great it robbed him of breath. Jungkook filled him completely until there was no space left for anything else. There was only jungkook.

Tae moved his hips in rhythms with his and hissed when he rubbed his thumb over his swollen clit.

Taehyung couldn't believe he was doing it. Sex.

Except it was greater than sex. It was all consuming. Mind, heart,body, soul. All of it laid bare for the boy in his arms.

Jungkook groaned. His thrusts grew faster, harder. In response,tae climbed higher and higher, desperate to reach the peak once more that he knew he wasn't going to be alone when he got there.

"Yes?" he wrapped his legs around jungkook, urging him deeper until he hit a spot that caused him to gasp in pleasure.
"I love you".
"I love you too". Jungkook's smile could make the sund hide in shame. To prove their words,they poured everything they had into each other, urging one another to go higher, faster.

Taehyung crashed over the edge first; jungkook followed soon after, their cries of ecstasy mingling until neither could from a word ant they collapsed into each other's arms.

Hello guys! How's it please let me know and do comment and vote if you like it💜
It's end here.. I'll update next oneshot later.
Love you ❤️

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