Ex with benefits (ch-3 end)

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3rd person pov:

Meanwhile , Jungkook's hungry mouth devoured tae's, lapping up his juices,not wanting to miss a single drop. To his surprise, Taehyung came again,even harder this time.

Jungkook waited until his last shudders subsided and he collapsed in a heap against the wall before kook raised himself off the ground,so they were at eye level. Fuck, tae was gorgeous. His hair like tousled cloud of midnight silk. His flashed cheeks and pink lips had him throbbing with desire and his eyes peered out at him from beneath dark long lashes.

"I think it's time for me to return the favour." Taehyung's throaty promise send another shot of lust straight to Jungkook's groin.

Jungkook didn't resist when tae slid off the counter and made quick work of his briefs,but when he kneeled,kook grasped his arms and pull him back up.Taehyung's brow furrowed.

"Not tonight,"He said. "I need to fuck you right now."

Tae didn't say it,but he didn't need to. It was written all over face.

The burst of anger came out of nowhere. It knotted in Jungkook's stomach,fed by desparation. He wanted to grab taehyung's shoulder and Shake him. Make him see what was infront of them. But he couldn't,so he settled for closing the distance between them until tae's back hit the counter and kook's hard arousal pressed against his soft center.

"Tell me how you want it," he growled. "Sweet and slow,or hard and rough?"

Taehyung's eyes flickered with excitement. His chest rose and fell in short pants of breath. "Hard and rough " he whispered.
A feral smile slashed across Jungkook's face. "I was hoping you'd say that."

Taehyung cried out as Jungkook spun him around and bend him over the sink. He fished his wallet out of his jeans pocket and took out a condom __he always had one on him, just in case__and sheathed himself in it before he returned to the tantalizing sight of tae's glistening arousal.

"Spread your legs wider" Jungkook commanded.He obeyed without hesitation. Jungkook grabbed tae's hips, pressing his thumbs into his soft flesh and leaned over until his breath ticket his ear."Is this what you really want?"

"Yes" taehyung whimpered. The whimper turned into a full on cry when jungkook slammed into him, burying himself to the hilt.

"Fuck!" he hissed."You are so tight ". Tighter than a first and so damn wet he almost lost it in one stroke like a pre-pubescent boy.

Jungkook tightened his jaw, trying to regain control before he started moving.Taehyung whined and squirmed against him.

"Impatient" he teased. He reached around to stroke his swalloen clit,taking great satisfaction in the shudder that rippeld through tae's body.

"Fuck me" tae gave the command this time,and Jungkook obeyed the way he had for him. He couldn't have waited any longer Even if he wanted to.

He withdrew until just the tip of his cock remained inside him then drove forward again in a vicious thrust that pitched tae's forward.

Jungkook pounded into him mercilessly letting his moans and throaty screams drive him harder deeper, faster.

This wasn't making love, taehyung didn't want that frankly, neither did jungkook. What he wanted was to bury himself so deep he'd never forget him,to fuck him so hard he imprinted on him,to take him so high he'd realise they were meant for more than one night.  

Jungkook angled himself so his dick rubbed against tae's clit with each downward stroke. He watched them in the mirror __his eyes closed and mouth slack with around,his own mouth set in a grim line as he made him take all of him over and over, until there was no doubt in either of their minds that he was his at least for tonight.

He fisted tae's hair and tugged it back just as he send him jolting forward with a savage thrust. Taehyung's eyes snapped open. Jungkook's name flew from his lips in a strangled cry as he quaked around him,his third orgasm of the night rolling over them both like an out of control train. He twisted and writhed,his body desparate to convulse,but jungkook  forced him to hold still and ride our his climax without mercy.

Jungkook slammed into him again and again and again. He didn't know how long they stayed in that bathroom,but it was only when taehyung pleaded exhaustion after his sixth or seventh orgasm that he unleashed his  iron grip on self control.

  Jungkook spun Taehyung round to face him. His mouth descended on his, hungry and desparate. He returned the kiss with fervor,his nails digging across into the skin on kook's back. His tongue chasing his as he moaned helplessly into his mouth . Jungkook accept his surrender ,the only surender  he would give him.

He increased the pace of his thrust until taehyung's sweet taste and tight heat sent him over the edge. The orgasm he'd been holding in all night burst forth with a ferocity that had him seeing Stars. Taehyung said he was spent,but once again he surprised him with another expression,his cries mingling with him. As they free fell into oblivion and collapsed into each other's arms.

Jungkook closed his eyes, savouring his warmth and etching it in his mind before he withdrew from tae. He rolled the condom off and tossed it in the trash.He swept a cautious gaze over Taehyung's face, trying to gauge feelings now that high from their sex session had worn off. He looked content and satiated but jungkook couldn't read his expression beyond that.

  “How are you feeling?” He brushed a sweaty strand of hair from tae's face. An ache swirled in his chest. They used to lie awake all night, talking about their dreams and fears and wishes for the future. What he would give for one of those night's now.

“Amazing.” Taehyung grinned,his eyes sparkling. “That was amazing. Just what I needed.”

“I'm glad.” He droped his hand from Taehyung's face and avoided his gaze as he pulled on his briefs and jeans. “Can we see each other again?”
A beat of silence.“What?”

Jungkook forced himself to look at tae,even though the sight of his face twisted the knife in his heart that much deeper. “Let's take it slowly ”.

Taehyung inhaled sharply. His eyes sparkling with hope and something else. “Jungkook...”

“I'd love that.” He smiled so hard his cheeks hurt. “Take it slowly right..?”

“Right. I don't want to rush things and don't make another mistake.” tae said.

Taehyung gathered his clothes off the floor and got dressed. He stopped in the doorway to look back at jungkook, “I'll see you later.”

“See ya”.

Before he left and took the broken pieces of Jungkook's heart with him.

He could still smell tae. Taste him,hear him and when he looked at himself in the mirror,he smiled a little “Yes,we will meet again.”


Finally this shots ends here....(should I continue this or not)
Hope you all like this ❤️
Thank you 💜💜

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